Chapter 4. Ten years later

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Eliza woke up from her nightmare, her head pounding. She looked at her gold and black room and sighed. Her alarm went off and the song 'Alexander Hamilton' began to play. She turned off the alarm as Kaden opened the door.

"Li, it's- oh, you're already awake."

"I had another nightmare," she said. "It was more vivid this time." Every year, on the week of  their birthday Eliza would have dreams about Jason, Alicia, and the Moon Beam Pack but she doesn't remember anything about being a werewolf. Once they crossed into human territory, they lost their memories about being a werewolf and the ability to mind link.

"It's just a dream, Li. None of it is real." Kaden said.

"This happens every year Kay. I don't think it's a dream, maybe it actually happened."

"In your dream the woman, who you say is our mother, was killed by wolves. Other mother is in the kitchen making us breakfast right now."

"I just feel like something is missing ya know."

"Nothing is missing. You, me, Alex, mom, and dad. That's all we need, what more is there?"

"I guess you're right. I just get super jumpy around this time."

"That's what big brothers are for to protect their little sis." Alexander said as he walked into the room.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever, now get out so I can get ready." They obediently follow her request and swiftly exit the room. She walked into her private bathroom and got ready. Then she joined her family for breakfast.

"Good morning everyone." She said.

"Good morning my sweets." Selena said.

"How did you sleep?" Gerald asked.

"Horrible like always." Eliza responded.

"Don't worry pumpkin," Gerald said kissing her forehead. "It will get better." Eliza smiled
as she picked at her eggs.

"Hey, let's at the bright side. You three will be seventeen in three days." Selena said. The three instantly perk up, they had a feeling that this birthday is going to be something special.

"What do you guys plan to do?" The three of them shared a look before simultaneously answering


"Why did I even ask?" Selena smiled as Gerald glanced at his watch.

"You kids better get out of here. It almost seven thirty."

"All ready, alright we'll see you guys later! Love you." Alexander said. Eliza put all their dishes in the sink and kissed both of her parents on the cheek.

"Have a great day!" Selena and Gerald called as the triplets rushed out the door.

"Shot gun!!" Eliza shouted.

"No fair you had it on the way home yesterday!" Alexander whined.

"Race for it." Kaden said as he swung the keys on his index finger. Eliza and Alexander raced towards the passenger seat of the red Ferrari that was parked in front of the large house.They reached it at the same time as they each struggled to open the door. Eliza gave Alexander a hard shove and quickly opened the door and got inside.

"Haha, I win." She gloated. Alexander glared  at her as got into the backseat.

"Alright! Let's get this show on the road!" Kaden said as he started the car and drove off.


When they got to school Eliza two best friend, Isabel and April greeted her with a hug.

"Hey Li Li!" They teased, using her childhood nickname.

"Hey Izzy! Ape!" Eliza said. April scowled when she called her Ape. Isabel gave a playful wink to Alexander and April did the same to Kaden. Eliza made a disgusted faced as her best friends flirted with her brothers.

"Stop that." She groaned.

"It's not my fault your brothers are hot." April said.

"What about me?" She asked.

"You're hot, but your brothers are hotter." Isabel laughed.

"Well how about we be the ones to personally invite you to our birthday party on Friday." Alexander said.

"Really!" Isabel squealed.

"Of course we'll go!!" April said excitedly.

"See you ladies Friday." They said as they let out a dreamy sigh. Eliza rolled her eyes as she grabbed them by the arm.

"Come on, we're going to be late to class."

By lunch, the whole school was buzzing about the triplets party on Friday. A smile etched it's way onto Eliza face.

'News does travel fast.' She thought as she sat with her friends at their usual table. In the distance, she could see Alexander and Kaden handing out invitations.

"So what's new Li?" Isabel asked as Eliza handed her and April an invitation.

"It seems like everyone knows about our party." She said.

"Duh! You do know who your parents are right? The fam-"

"The famous painters I know. I bet half of those people just want a chance to come and steal some of our stuff." She said as she glanced towards the long line in front of Alexander and Kaden table, most of them females. She rolled her eyes.

"You guys can invite three people each, that's it. No more!" She said as she handed them each three invitations.

"Thank you. Thank you. Thank you!!" They squealed. Soon lots of here classmates came to her begging for an invitation. She sighed.

'This is going to be a long day?' She thought.

Eliza was more the happy when the bell rang at three o'clock. She quickly said goodbye to Isabel and April and she drug Alexander and Kaden to their car.

"Hey! I had more invitations to give!" Kaden whined.

"You can do it tomorrow, but if I here one more person asking for an invitation, I'm gonna rip them to shreds." Alexander and Kaden shivered in horror.

"Right, let's get you home." When they got home, Eliza went to her room and laid down her bed.

'I'm going to take a little nap.' She thought as she felt her eyelids drooping. Before she fell asleep she felt a strange feeling, like something big was going to happen but she shrugged it off. Nothing bad was going to happen, right?

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