Chapter 8. Our New Home

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"What?!" The triplets yelled. "I don't want to stay with you people, I want to go home!" Rence chuckled at them.

'As if anyone escapes this place alive.' He thought.

"You three were from the Moon Beam Pack, the Moon Goddess triplets to be exact." He said.

"How did you know? Even though I still don't claim that murder as my mother." Alexander said. Alpha Blake frown and threw their rings in front of them. 

"What? How did you take those of? I can't even take mine off." Eliza said.

"Rence, untie them."

"Geez, your taking away all of the fun on this." He whined.

"Now!" He commanded using a little Alpha tone.

"Alright, alright." He muttered. "Don't get your panties in a twist." Alpha Blake heard him but chose to ignore it. As soon as Rence cut them them free, Kaden gripped his shirt and slammed him into the wall.

"If you ever talk to my sister that way again, I'll make sure you will never speak again." He threatened.

"Go ahead. I'd like to see you try it, pup." He said. Kaden balled up his free hand, before he could do anything Alpha Blake stepped in.

"Let go off him!"Alpha Blake said. Kaden dropped his collar and backed away from him and Eliza patted his shoulder.

'It's okay Kaden. For now let's just focus on how to get home.' Eliza linked to her brothers.

"Home? What home? We have some men right now who are taking care of those people who you call parents." Alpha Blake said.

"How did you here me? I only linked it to my brothers." She said.

"He's an Alpha sweetheart, he can hear your thoughts and mind links." Rence said. She stared at him and even though he was a jerk she couldn't help but feel a slight connection towards him.

"Don't hurt our parents please, we'll stay with you willing if you spare them." Eliza blurted out. Alpha Blake gave her a curious look.

"You would be willing to stay in a foreign place with a bunch of people you don't know just to save those people." He said.

"Biological or not, 'those people' are still our parents and we love them." Kaden said.

"Not like any of you know what that's like anyway." Alexander muttered. Rence felt a pang of sadness hit his heart. The last person who loved him is gone now. There's nothing he can do to bring her back. He shook his head. That side of him is gone now. Gracelyn Dove is dead, and so is Lawrence Parker.

"Alright then, they will be spared, but will make it seem like you never existed by doing whatever means necessary. Rence here will be your guide and mentor. If you need anything you will get it from him."

"What?!" The triplets gasped. Now it was Rence's turn to be surprised.

" I what, Blake." He said.

"You heard me, and it wasn't a request it was an order."

"Alright but this is the last time I am babysitting new people for you." He said.

"Thanks Rence, I owe you."

"Yeah, yeah. Come on, runts. Let's go."


The triplets look at their room in shock. It was nice, beautiful actually but this was the first time they shared a room in ten years. 

"Are you sure  all three of us have to sleep here?" Kaden asked.

"We're a little tight on space right now, you guys are lucky. You guys are on the top floor. ONLY the best sleep on the top so be grateful." Rence said.

"I guess but, it's going to take so getting use to." Eliza said.

"If you don't like it, you can always stay with me, love." Rence said.

"Over my dead body!" Kaden and Alexander said. Rence looked at Eliza waiting for her to give him answer. She slightly blushed and shook her head. 

"That offer is still on the table anytime." He said. Alexander pushed his sister behind him.

"You can go now, bye!"Then he slammed the door in his face. 

"Stay away from that guy." Kaden told his sister. She nodded head, but deep down she kind of liked him, but she would never admit it though.  

'Maybe living here won't be so bad.' she thought. 

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