Chapter 7. The Dark Moon Pack

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Kaden, Alexander, and Eliza stood frozen as they tried to register what the Moon Goddess just said.

"Your our biological mother?" Eliza said. "How is that possible our mom is in Paris?"

"Let me explain. Long ago when the Earth was very young. I came down from the heavens in wolf form. I roamed the earth for awhile until I met a very kind man. He fed me, sang to me, he even talked to me. I fell in love with him but, I knew I could never be with him because I was a wolf and he was a human. I howled at the full moon, my heart filled with sadness. Then I turned human. After being with man for a while, he fell in love me and I got pregnant. As soon as I found out, I turned back into a wolf. As soon as he saw me in my wolf form he felt ashamed of himself and he hung himself. I wander around for months until I found the perfect spot to make a home, that spot became the Moon Beam Pack. I gave birth to two boys and a girl named Jezzabelle, Isaac, and Aaron. You guys quickly developed and after four months you were able to walk, talk, and you guys had powers. Soon, I made more werewolves and they all were my children, but you three were my favorite. The others tried to win my favoritism but you three were always in my heart. So when you were three years old, the wolves banned together and killed you three and I was heart broken. I cast a spell so that your souls would be reincarnated into every set of triplets born into that pack and they will keep coming until justice was served. Then I ascended back into the heavens. Your birth mother, Alicia had you guys seventeen years ago and I knew that something you three were going to be special, so I sent rogues to attack your pack, killing everyone except you three. You guys are the last of the Moon Be Pack." She said.

Alexander, Eliza, and Kaden stood there unsure what to do.

"No! That's a lie! You aren't our mother, I'm not one of these freaky were people, and I'm done listening to you." Alexander said as he grabbed Eliza's arm.

"Come on Kade." Tears of sadness fell from the Moon Goddess eyes as she stood helplessly.

"Eliza?" She asked. Eliza looked at her with eyes filled with pity.

"I'm sorry, we have to go home." She said.

"Wait, I have something important to-" Then the triplets pushed their rings and they were teleported back to the river. The looked up at the sky to see the sun peaking over the horizon.

"It's dawn. I didn't think we were there that long." Kaden said.

"I guess time must be different in that dimension." Eliza as she hopped on Alexander's back. They waded across the river and went back to the Ferrari. The vehicle had a yellow ticket stuck on it's windshield.

"What?! A one hundred thirty dollar fine?! Gezz, this is the last time I'm leaving her out here." Alexander said.

"We'll deal with that later, we have to get going. I'm pretty sure that Isabel and April had a heart attack looking for me." Eliza said.

"You mean looking for us?" Kaden said gesturing to his little brother and himself.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever!" She said rolling her eyes. They got in the car and they drove for home.

Eliza gasped as tears filled her eyes. Their house burnt to the ground and all of their party guest were dead. A horrifying scream left her throat as she fell to the ground.

"What happened here?" Alexander asked. Kaden walked over to one of the bodies and saw claw marks all over their bodies.

"Claw marks?" Kaden said.

"The Moon Goddess must have sent some of her wolves to do this." Alexander said balling up his fist.

"How could anyone do this?" Kaden said.

"I hate her! I HATE HER!" Eliza screamed. "You hear that Moon Goddess, I FREAKING HATE YOU!!" Growls filled the air as she wiped her tears away,

"What was that?" She asked. She stood up as Kaden defended his siblings. Twenty wolves surrounded them in a circle.

'What are we going to do?' Eliza thought.

'I don't know just stay strong and don't back down.' Kaden linked.

'What a minute can't we turn into wolves?' Alexander asked.

'Oh yeah.' Eliza said. The three shifted into their wolves. The other wolves stopped and they shifted back into their human form, among them was Isabel and April.

The triplets shifted back, they starred at Isabel and April in horror.

"Izzy, Ape! Why?" Eliza asked.

"Sorry, we were under orders." April said.

"We have a long way to travel." Isabel said.

"We're not going anywhere you people." Kaden growled.

"I'm so sorry guys." April said. Then one of the pack members snuck behind them and knocked them out.

"Hey! Hey! Wake up!" A voice said. Eliza was the first one to wake. The three of them were tied up back to back. A light skin boy with dark hair starred at them with a smug look.

"Hey! Where are we?" Eliza yelled.

"You're in my pack sweet heart." He said. "The Dark Moon Pack."

"Who are you?" She asked. He smirked and grabbed her face.

"The name's Rence, love."

"Why are we here?"

"You have a have a lot of questions don't you, babydoll." She growled.

"Don't call my that!"

"Alright Princess. Keep your cool." Alexander started to come to.

"Well it looks like another one is waking up."

"Who are you?" Alexander asked. Rence rolled his eyes and let out a long sigh.

"Why did they assign me to babysit you three?" He said quietly. He gathered his stuff and head towards the door.

"Where you going?" Alexander asked. He didn't say anything, he just walked out the door.

Five minutes after Kaden woke up, Rence came back in.

"Good so all of you are awake." He said. "My name is Rence and you guys are in the Dark Moon Pack. You guys are here because our Alpha wants you here." He said.

"What are you going to do to us?" Eliza asked.

"There are many things I want to do to you, love." He winked. Eliza rolled her eyes while her brothers growled at her.

"Stay away from our sister!" Kaden growled.

"Yeah, yeah I know the drill, mutt." Rence said. Renee's eyes glazed over. After two minutes, he eyes turned back to their normal color.

"It's your lucky day, the Alpha wants to meet you personally." He said. "Please welcome Alpha Blake." A very ripped man enters the room. The triplets felt his power radiate on them. The triplets whimpers in their heads.

"I am Alpha Blake." He said in a deep voice. "Starting today, you three are members of the Dark Moon Pack."

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