Uraraka POV
"You guys don't understand they haven't been talking for a loooongggg time!!!" And seeing it's been going on with both of them looking depressed I think they might be cutting... "let it go uraraka they can fix it then selves" I look over at denki making that nasty comment "okayyyyy if you say so" I start to turn around and act like walking the other but instead I turned around and punched him "WHY THE HELL WOULD YOU SAY THAT DENKI-KUN" I start to get tears in my w-why doesn't he care why doesn't he care I feel heavy tears in my eyes and run to the class I check if anybody in there but then I don't care anymore and just start sobbing "th-this is all my fault..." I start to sob more "I didn't talk to Deku-Kun or-or-or todoroki-kun" I start to care even less now if anyone sees me like this but then I hear foot steps and hide under a desk "shouta, you don't understand young midoriya isn't doing well he seems depressed he isn't doing the work he's put into front of him he isn't doing the workouts as well" I hear all might saying I cover my mouth trying not to sob as big fat tears go down my face "well toshinori have you seen todoroki yet he's a mess he looks sad all the time now" I can't stand this, this is all my fault I don't ask todoroki how he is it's all my fault they hate me now I then get up and start crying and I just was so sad "it's all my fault, everything" I could say but sobs where in the middle they looked at me "I didn't ask how he was doing it's all my fault" I start crying even more "all might, Aizawa-sensei I'm so sorry I couldn't help I just-.." I was stopped by an embrace all might was hugging me "don't put this on yourself young todoroki and young midoriya are just going through hard times" I start to cry even more after all might said I just have been putting everything on myself like this like that I've just felt so sad because those are my best friends I can't see them suffer I start thinking again. "The bell is about to ring- if you'd like to go to the nurse and lay there for a few minutes then you can" I hear aizawa say I bow to both of them thanking them I go out and right as a I go to the nurse the bell rings "I was wondering if I could just rest I've had a lot on my mind lately and just I couldn't think so could I-.." she shakes her head yes and I lay down and just it felt nice to think they have it under controls just wish I could help. A few minutes and I felt pretty good but my eyes were red and puffy "thank you" I say as I walk out I get back and then I don't see Deku "where is he?" I ask as I get scared "he's with all might" I hear someone say but I then realized Deku or todoroki aren't here I look every where then... it hits me the roof as I start sprinting as fast as a I can I get up and see Dekus shoes off and todoroki but Deku he's standing on the ledge I try not to be seen but I just can't let him die "you know what's funny is that life seems so sad and pointless now" I hear him say I start to cry as he says that I can't let my best friend die "d-deku-kun p-p-please I beg of you not to go... you are so perfect" he shakes his head then looks Down I then spring to him with everything "DEKU! You taught me how to be hero NOW DONT LEAVE" I gran his waist and then take him by todoroki I hug him and just tell him how much he means to me how much I love him just he's perfect I start to Cary him like bridal style I see he's asleep "so why didn't you tell him" I say as he follows behind me "I felt like he would hate me" I look at him "not like this situation is worse" I say with a sarcastic voice trying to laugh it off I hear him chuckle too. "How about we surprise him with something good" I think to myself maybe a party but it shouldn't be too big or anything like that I just want it to show him that we love him. to show how dear he is to us he's made a big impact on my life he's taught me how to be hero and how to be brave I can't leave him now he's wonderful. "How about a hero party with all the teachers and hero's and students" I say with a happy tone in my voice he nods his head yes " Will do in the gym and maybe all might could get the heroes because a lot of people like him and they could sign his notebook?" I say in a kinda confused voice but then get to the nurses. I lay him down " you too should get to class" she says with the happy voice but try not to sound rude. We head back to class and I hug Todoroki before we go in "you make him so happy and when He's happy im happy" I say and then smile. He hugs back and smiles. I go into the class and people stare at me and I don't know why. Maybe because I ran out of class a-.. I get stopped by the principal "ochaco uraraka please come with us" then I see Aizawa stands up and walks to him, all might is behind him. My heart starts rushing and I feel it sunk all the way to the floor oh go oh god am I in trouble I thought I hesitate to stand up. "Don't worry it's nothing bad" i wall over and I follow them "don't worry your not in trouble for anything if your thinking that" but for some reason I still felt scared. I could only say "hm" a little humming thing. We got to a big door.To be continued....
I felt just kinda sad the whole day but I feel kinda better after writing this! Well I hope you enjoyed! A vote always makes my day!!!

I love you (Tododeku) *COMPLETED*
Fanfiction" I see your sadness eating you up inside and it is slowly killing me because I can't do anything expect tell you I Love You And I hope that will be enough" It's not a really sad story ig... it's an AU with collage dorms Todoroki and deku don't g...