BTS Reaction/Self Hatred

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He would be surprised at first he never suspected that you of all people would be bringing yourself down in such a way after all you where one of the strongest people he had met not only physically but also mentally. You didn't think he would react the way he did he only looked at you and then started to throw questions at you by the end of the day you were cuddling on the couch watching Hello Counselor

"Just know that I will always love you no matter what"

He wouldn't believe you he thought it was a prank that the other boys had pulled you into but once he saw that you were serious his expression changed it was darker than the dark side of the moon you were scared but you knew that it wasn't towards you but the people who made you feel that way about

"Who has the right to say that about you"


He originally thought that it was his fault for not noticing earlier that you were especially hard on yourself about everything you did and that you would doubt yourself on everything you did he would pull you in for a long hug then he sat down on the couch and made you stand in front of him and he would ask what you doubting whether it was on your body or not and tell you how perfect it was and that you shouldn't doubt yourself and that if you ever did just come to him and he would tell you the truth so you wouldn't have to hear what you mind was telling you all the time

"And your cheeks are perfect because they fit your face and no one's cheeks are that cute"


He would try to stay his normal happy self and make you smile which he succeeded in quickly and you stayed smiling while you cuddled on the couch and ordered pizza he made you forget about ever being sad but you knew that later down the road you would have a serious talk with each other about this but for now you just wanted to enjoy this moment with him

"There's the smile I know and love"


He was never the best at comforting people so when you told him he didn't know how he should react he was happy that you had told him but he was also angry that you had not told him earlier but he was also sad because he didn't know how to comfort you he got up and went to the kitchen you didn't know what was happening so you thought that he left you but he came back with a tub of your favorite icecream and fed it to you

"Sometimes everyone needs some Ice Cream


Since he was the 4D Alien He started to freak out since you had never been that way he got out all of your favorite foods and started to ask you one by one which one you would like one you chose chocolate he picked you up bridal style and started to take you around the house saying you where the chocolate queen and that no one could defeat your chocolateness and that you were the most chocolatey of them all you started to smile and laugh hysterically

"I'm so glad your back I thought my people had taken you hostage"


He was never really 'hard' on you, but when you told him and started to rant about a lot of different things he took your shoulders in his hands and started to almost scold you for what you were saying and that it was all nonsense and that you should never say that about yourself or anyone else he sat you down and made you tell him everything and by everything he meant everything

"Don't you ever say that about yourself ever again do you understand me"

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Love you bye

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