5. The Perfect Friend

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Some people in your life are like angels

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Some people in your life are like angels.

No matter what situation you are in and how tense, angry, upset you are, they just manage to set everything right. They don't have to do anything for it necessarily, their solitary presence is more than enough.

In everyone's life, there is one person who stands as a messiah for them.

For me, it's you.

There's something about your aura that's beyond words. You walk in and I can literally feel the room get brighter. You smile and I can feel my heart thump louder. You hold my hand and my feet lose support.

There is something about you that throws me off guard. When we find that perfect friend who completes us in every way, life becomes a fuller place. There's love, respect, understanding and after a while, you just know things about each other in a heart beat and you take pride in it.

But what happens when life happens and you lose being in touch that frequently? Of course it doesn't change your bond, neither the fact that things will change. Because they do, but not for the worse. The true bonds only get stronger.

But what do you do about the daily void? It starts to gnaw a little more with every passing day. And why wouldn't it when you've been talking to each other non-stop for months, sometimes even years?

What do you do then?

You start searching for mirrors. Mirrors who are a reflection of that friend, be it by nature or personality, ambition or translation. Sometimes things click and you find great friends. Sometimes they don't and you have a bitter aftertaste.

Somewhere down the line, you forget that at the end of the day, they're just that - mirrors. And no one can be a complete mirror in themselves. You'll find broken pieces scattered in many, trying to quench your thirst for that one friend.

But sweetheart, nobody can match up to that friend.

And out of all the mirrors in my life, you have been the first one to be that perfect friend. There's no illusion I chase here when I say you're perfect, but it's just the way your aura makes me feel.

On any given day, in any given mood, out of a 100 people trying to cheer me up, there goes without saying that it's simply your name popping up as a text message that's enough to make me smile.

It just happens.

No matter what, a mention of your name gives me a gush of positivity that things will fall alright. Your essence is enough to give me the confidence that today is just another day, tomorrow will be better. Your presence is enough to make me smile and throw everything else out of my mind. You are enough to make me realise the moment when life can be so mesmerizingly beautiful.

Just like a dream. Just like your smile. Just like the way I crave for summers, and you, my happiness.

And darling, there's no denying that you are the ray of sunlight warming up my cold, barren heart.

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