25. The Lottery Box

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The day continues like a fairytale.

After the bang with which my morning begins, you decide to leave me breadcrumbs about the day we have ahead.

"So," you begin, putting a wrapped box before me, "it's time for win the lottery."

"Oooo, that's exciting! So, what am I supposed to be winning exactly?"

"Well... to be very honest, you can't win anything better than me, but since I want to give the options a fair chance, you get to pick up one chit from this."

"What are the chits supposed to contain?" I ask, unexpectedly loving the vibes this surprise was giving me. It's common knowledge that I hate surprises.

"They're all your favourite places."

"From around the world?" I ask incredulously, knowing that you'll roll your eyes at me in an instant. Only, you don't.

"Yes, from around the world," you reply with such casualness, I nearly laugh in response before I quickly catch on your sincere expression.

I sober down instantly, intrigue getting the better of me.

"And what happens once I pick one?"

"We go there. As simple as that," you reply, as though it was as simple as that. I could see a dozen blaring loopholes in the plan though.

"You mean like on a vacation? That's a good four months' planning in advance, I must say," I kid, and this time you do roll your eyes at me.

"No silly, whatever place you pick, we go there right now."

I'm pretty sure my eyes popped out like saucers at this point.

"Nooooo shit! You're kidding!"

"Try me," you come back, licking your lips in that customary way you do that only awakens the tempt within me to claim them.

As though reading my thoughts, you snap your fingers at me.

At that brings me back to our current situation.

I continue look at you with a combination of disbelief and astonishment. There's no way in hell that you could have actually planned this because there were a good 30 chits in the box. And yet the resolution on your face is absolute.

"Come on, El. Time's ticking."

Still hesitant but now sufficiently curious, I put my hand into the box and draw out a paper, eager to see where fate wanted to take me today.

You nod your head in reassurance and I finally open the chit, still expecting some kind of bluff or prank. Instead, one one sentence looks back at me.

"Champs-Elyssée, Paris"

"Ah! You lucky gal," you exclaim, trying to read the font upside down with a cheeky grin.

"Wow, what are the odds of that!" I exclaim, the irony of the situation too co-incidental to be true.

It was where we'd first met eight years back.

"You can check the rest of the chits if you believe they were rigged."

At this, I smile.

"I don't need to. This is perfect," I whisper into his ears gently and feel him instantly shiver underneath my breath. I smile as I suck and kiss his earlobe, planting another kiss just below.

"C'est l'heure de Paris, mon amour!"

Three and a half hours later, both of us find ourselves at the Gare du Nord, the intoxicating atmosphere of love and traffic just as heavy as always.

"Well, if this isn't Paris for us..." I sigh, instantly reminiscent of the first time I'd stepped onto this very platform.

Walking our way out of the station, my eyes fall upon a gorgeous Renault waiting right outside with Zachary Hyland written.

"Our ride for the day," you tell me, my eyes still too captivated by the open back car. My idea of a road trip.

I gently place a kiss upon your lips and smile.

"Aren't you thoughtful about everything!"

You return my kiss with gusto before breaking apart, interrupted by the quick jabber of the driver who seemed to appreciate the sentiment but was in a hurry to get us started along nonetheless.

Seating ourselves behind with the carry on bag safely tucked in the dickey, the car starts with a roar, and so does our nostalgic tour along the lanes of where destiny had first crossed our paths.


A/N: Hey guys! I hope you are all doing well. First of all, my most sincere apologies for such a late update. I have been busy this last month with travelling and exams and somehow couldn't get around to writing this.

I haven't forgotten about this book and neither am I going to abandon it so rest assured about it. I love Elsa and Zack way too much to let them off without an ending they deserve.

Do let me know how you're loving this so far! ❤

Lots of love,

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