12. Four-Letter Word

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Love is a four-letter word spelling doom.

This is what I strongly believed before I met you. It was something I was extremely vocal about as well because everything around me gave me good reason to.

I saw friends destroy themselves in what I could only believe as puppy love because they clearly lacked the maturity to distinguish between attraction and liking, love and just-in-it-for-the-sex.

To them everything meant love. And hence to me, nothing meant love. And I was thrilled to keep it that way. It's not like I was averse to it. Quite the contrary, but I was averse to guys who thought they knew everything about it without experiencing any.

And then there were heartbreaks. God, watching my friends go through them were not just heartbreaks in themselves for me, it downright rattled my own sense of belief in the institution. How could love be any good if it made people feel this way?

Reckless yet empowered, broken yet complete.

It never made any sense to me.

Until you walked in.

If you wonder whether my thoughts changed post falling in love myself, well yes and no. No, because I still believe that love is a four-letter word spelling doom.

But yes, because it's a doom I'd willingly walk to anyday.

Before you, my life was complete in itself. I was content being the only single femme of my group and enjoyed the fact that guys saw me as a femme fatale that was best from far. It was perfect.

But so are you.

When you entered my life, I realized what I'd been missing all along. Sure, I have an amazing family and some extraordinary friends who I was lucky to have in my life. But I needed someone who completed me in a way I'd never experienced before.


Life hasn't been the same since you entered it and goodness knows that these seven years have been the best time of our lives, five as friends and two as we are at the moment.

Sometimes I wonder, my mind being the very epitome of curiosity, about what life has in store for us in the future. Are we going to be a together forever kind of story or star-crossed lovers that were too perfect to be true?

But then I remember that were deemed to cross paths in life anyway. Whether to doom or being the bride to your groom, that was destiny's lookout. In any way, our moment in this moment was meant to be.

And if this was the doom I'd feared my whole life, then I am proud to admit that this is one doom I'm walking towards to the end of the line. With you.

And whatever lies beyond it is going to be worth the journey. Good or bad, together or not, you've been worth the wait. And I don't just mean now.

Maybe that's why love is a four-letter word spelling doom, afterall.


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