Die Zugabe+Gerechte Bestrafung+,,Verloren, aber unvergessen"

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Als Katie den Song zu Ende gesungen hatte, bekam sie den meisten Applaus. Von überall schrien die Fans: ,,Zugabe! Zugabe!" Aber Katie wusste nicht, was sie singen sollte, da nahm Luke eine E-Gitarre und rief ihr zu: ,,Wie wär's mit ,Bless myself'? " - 

,,Ok", antwortete sie und sagte den Song an: ,,Den nächsten Song widme ich meiner besten Freundin, die immer für mich da gewesen ist. Komm her Meggie!" Erstaunt blickte Meggie von ihrem Cocktail auf, den sie gerade an der Bar geholt hatte, stellte ihn zurück und ging auf die Bühne. Luke weiste inzwischen die Band ein , dann rockten sie los. Meggie orderte ihre Tanzgruppe auf die Bühne, um den Song zu begleiten. 

There's a little secret

I would like to tell you

There's a book of lies

I know they'll try to sell you

And they'll try, and they'll try

To convince you to buy you need 'em

So the next time you're down

Look inside not around.

I can bless myself

There's no need for someone's help

There's no one to blame

There's no one to save you but yourself

I can justify all the mistakes in my life

It's taught me to be, it's givin' me me

And I'll survive

'Cause I have blessed myself.

I have searched the world to find

There's nothing better

Than when me, myself and I

Can come together

And I know for a fact

There's a spirit I lack or defend

Yeah I've been through it all

Just to find in the end

I can bless myself

There's no need for someone's help

There's no one to blame

There's no one to save you but yourself

I can justify all the mistakes in my life

It's taught me to be, it's givin' me me

And I'll survive

'Cause I have blessed myself.

Do you ever wonder

How anything can make you cry

Have yourself discover

That the pain you feel

Is the pain that you deny in your life

So open up your eyes

You can bless yourself

There's no need for someone else

There's no one to blame

A CINDERELLA STORY- Es war einmal ein Lied (Fanfiction )Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt