A shoulder to cry on..

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Jocelyn POV

Right when Hayes asked me that I froze and looked down..

Hayes: answer me..

Me: I can't..

Hayes: but you trust me right??

Me: yes Hayes I do..

Hayes: then tell me..

Me: if I do you're gonna get mad..and- and then leave me..and yell at me just like everyone else..

Hayes: no.no..no I won't I promise..

He lift my head up with his fingers..

Hayes: now tell me..

Me: ok promise that you won't get mad..

Hayes; I promise..

Me:I- I,do..I do cut Hayes..

He hugged me

And since on was on the counter he was between my legs I wrapped my legs around him and cried on his shoulder..

Hayes: why? Why? You're to beautiful..and even if you weren't beautiful you still shouldn't..

He said that calm and soft..

I just kept crying..

Me: Hayes..you don't know who I live with..

Hayes: your da-wait..are you telling me..he BEATS you!!???

He looked at me shocked and I covered my face and let go of him..

Me: I'm sorry Hayes..

Hayes: don't be.,there's no reason..ill be right by your side..

Me: thanks..

Hayes: ok now stop crying..cuz I don't like it when girls cry especially my best friend..she's way too gorgeous..

I blushed and smiled..

I wiped my face and I fixed up and walked out with Hayes..

Mr.B: ok time to go lets get back on the bus..ohh and NO HOMEWORK TONIGHT we are just dropping all of you off at home..

Me and Hayes sat in our regular seat and I fell asleep in his arms..

While I was falling asleep..I heard Hayes..

Hayes: (whispers) you're too beautiful..

And he kissed my cheeks..and I was just soooooo happy I had him..

Acouple mins later Hayes woke me up..

Hayes: ok here's my stop..

I looks outside..it was my stop too..

I smiled..

Me: it's my stop too..

Hayes: really? Where do you live?

I pointed at my house..

Hayes smiled big.,

Hayes: looks like we're neighbors...

I smirked and we both got off the bus we hugged tight and slipped each other numbers to each other and I walked home with a smiled on my face..


It was short but I thought this chapter was cute..comment and vote - Jocelyn

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