Chapter 3

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"Majesty, Sir Sarth would like a word with you," a guard said to Link as he walked out of the kitchen, chewing on a piece of toast. He nodded at him, before turning and heading towards Sarth's quarters.

Link couldn't remember ever being this blissfully happy, enough to even deal with Sarth.

At the door, Link knocked once before walking in, closing the door behind him. He swallowed the rest of his toast and put his hands behind his back,

"You wanted to see me?" Link said boredly. Sarth looked up at him and stood,

"Yes, majesty. I was seeking your preference on your coronation date,"

Link resisted a groan. He had almost forgot about the one part of marrying Zelda he wasn't excited about.

Becoming king.

Link shrugged, "I don't care when it is. Is that all?" What he really meant was, Are we done here? I don't very much enjoy your company, Garth, but he held back.

Sarth seemed taken back,

"Oh, um, I suppose that is. Good day, majesty," he bowed stiffly. The not kind feelings Link had toward Sarth were obviously returned, not that he cared.

Link nodded and walked out. Zelda was more excited about him becoming King, but It just wasn't him. Well, it was him now. He pushed the thoughts from his head. Nothing to worry about now.

A tap on the window beside him stopped him as he walked down the corridor. He looked over.

the Hero's Shade was in the window, in wolf form. He scratched the window again before looking in the direction of the entrance of the castle. Link raised an eyebrow. What was so important?

Shade scratched again and, with a sigh, Link turned and walked out of the castle.

He was back in the hero's garb, which was more comfortable. Tuxedos were another thing that wasn't him. Unless he was with Zelda. He'd do anything for her, even wear a tux. Even be king.

Shade had somehow came from the side of the castle to the front in the minute it took him to walk there,

"What is it?" He asked. Shade pointed his nose towards Castle Town, "Can they see you?" Link asked. Shade shook his head. Link shrugged and walked into town.

Shade walked beside him, and they were both soon out of Castle Town, and in Hyrule Field.

Link was knocked to the ground as Shade rammed into him and bit him.

He dragged himself up and was surrounded by smoke,

"You know, there has to be a better way to do that," He looked up at Shade, now a stalfos. Even then, he could see some of his own features in his past self,

"Dayfos has done it," Shade said, ignoring him,

"Done what?" Link took a step towards him,

"He knows that You and Dark Link can not touch. He has now found a solution. He has given your shadow a partner, as you have,"

"Wait, you mean-" No. No. No. Link hoped he was wrong,

"He has created a Dark Zelda," Shade confirmed. Link looked down.


"He is planning to have Dark Zelda go after you, while Dark Link deals with Zelda," He continued,

"I'll protect her," Link said, determined,

"You may try, but both Zelda and you are skilled in combat, so it is likely they will be also. One skilled fighter can not beat two," Shade crossed his arms, "I will help as much as I can, but I would also suggest searching for a black fox,"

A black fox. The male from the Order of the White Cat had told him to call him with one. Where in Hyrule was he supposed to find a black fox?

He didn't have the chance to respond though, for he was whoosed back to Hyrule Field. He stood up. Shade was gone.

He brushed himself off and walked back up to the castle. As he walked through the doors, he bumped into Zelda,

"Oh! Sorry," Link said, smiling down at her. She laughed and waved him off,

"I've been looking for you. Sarth wants to decide on a date. Where have you been hiding?" She joked,

"I just needed some fresh air. I don't care about the date. You can pick," He decided to not tell her about Dark Zelda. She was in too good of a mood,

"Ok, sure," She took his hand as theh walked down the corridor, "You wouldn't think there would be so many things to choose for a coronation, but there is. You may not care about the date, but there's about dozen other things for you to pick," She smirked and he groaned, "Come on, it won't be so bad. Might as well get it over with, right?" He reluctantly nodded,

"Ok, fine. I'll do it, but I don't want to hear a word about my choices, then," He smirked and he could see her eyes widen slightly, worried now, "Kidding. I'll try to make it appropriate. You might want to come too, though. I wasn't exactly raised royally," She smiled and nodded,

"Oh, I'm not letting you pick everything. It is my coronation as well. I'll just have to put the reigns on you. A shame, though, since I know how much you love picking. Oh well," He chuckled and let her lead him to Sarth's office once again.

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