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"Madolyn! You're home! Fantastic! Hurry up and get ready, we have to go to the Wilkins' house in an hour." I look at my dad like he's crazy as he runs back and forth, collecting papers as fast as he can.

I drop my lacrosse things and bookbag onto the floor. "What? Dad I just got home from tryouts. You couldn't have warned me of this--oh I don't know-yesterday?!"

He doesn't even look at me as he keeps running around like a maniac. "I wish I could've darling but something just came up. It's major so we need to get going."

I groan and roll my eyes, jogging up the stairs and to my room. I didn't really want to go somewhere right now. I was kind of stresses out because of what happened last night and then their asses didn't show up today. I was driving myself crazy with conspiracy theories.

But I guess I could pry Ace for answers...

Yep. That's exactly what I'm going to do.

I quickly take a shower and throw on a red romper with my red converses. I wasn't trying to dress all fancy, I just wanted to be comfortable. After showering I just threw my hair into a bun and put on a white baseball cap on over it, sticking the bun through the back. I pulled down some strings of hair in front of my ears and sprayed on some perfume along with deodorant.

"Madolyn are you ready?!" My dad yells. I yell back an answer as I grab my phone and skip downstairs.

My dad is already in the car by the time I get down there. I hurriedly get in and Chris drives away.

The ride over there was shorter than I remember, but definitely not more stressful. In a way, I felt relieved. I was going to try and get answers out of him. Because this was seriously stressing me out. 

We arrived at dawn. It was still light outside, but quickly getting dark.

"Ah, Jason! So glad you could make it! Please hurry in!" Mr. Wilkins answered the door, his hair slicked back neatly. He wore an all black tux snug on his chest.

Mr. Wilkins was honestly a good looking man. It was easy to see where Ace got his good looks from.

Me and my dad walked in, with Chris remaining in the car. Mr. Wilkins led us to the dinner table, where I saw only three plates.

Confused, I question it.

"Um, Mr. Wilkins, why is there only three plates?" I ask as I sit down beside my father. Mr. Wilkins looks down at his plate, only a frown shown on his face. He didn't seem happy that I asked that.

"Ace isn't coming."

"Oh really? Damn I wish I would've known so I could leave Maddie at home." My dad jokes. I furrow my eyebrows at him. "What? What would it matter if he was here? I thought I was coming for experience? To see how things really worked?"

My dad smiles. "Uh, ye-ah of course it is darling! We just figured you know, it would be better for you two to get along." I nodded, pursing my lips together. I wasn't so sure my dad was telling me everything. He was acting weird and some things weren't exactly adding up.

You know how you can just feel something is up by someone's body language added by that gut feeling in your stomach?

Yeah... That's how I am feeling right now...

"Okay..." I mumble. They then continue on talking something about the business. Something about more sudden demands since they announced their partnership, I wasn't completely sure, nor did I really care. I was coming out as I ate, now angry I even had to come since Ace wasn't going to be here.

All I wanted was answers! Is that so hard to ask for?

"So what do you mean exactly?"

"Patrick county hospital got major demands last night. For some reason they think they're going to need a lot of it soon." 

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