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There are times in life where you experience true terror. There are also times where you experience minor terror, just in a quick intense way you never would've expected.

And Ace laying across my bed in my motherfucking room... was one of those unexpective minor terrors.

My heart jumped right out of my chest when I saw him laying there. He lay there so casually, as if it was his own bed. He wore a loose gray v-neck t-shirt with khaki shorts. He wore white high top converses with black strings. It was odd, seeing him dressed so out of the character I knew. He wasn't wearing his devils jacket, but instead... rich kid type clothes.

He wore a big silver watch that I noticed on his wrist as his arms were thrown on top of his head. He stretched out like it was his own with his other arm straight out to his side.

His hair was gelled neatly to the side. His face was carefree, as though he didn't care... or like he didn't want to be there. I couldn't figure out which.

But I was also scared for my life.

"Ace?! What the fuck are you doing in my house?! In my room?! ON MY BED?!" I yelled, holding my towel tight.

Ace noticed me gripping my towel, and a smirk creeps up onto his chiseled face. "Slightly wishing I came here sooner."

"I'm serious, Ace!" I yell. He scoffs at me, raising both eyebrows. "I am too!"

I tilt my head to the side and glare at him. He rolls his eyes and picks up the remote on the side of the bed, pointing it above my head and clicking the on button.

"My dad said I had to come over here with him and said something about bonding shit. Your dad sent me up here."

I furrow my eyebrows. "What? What do you mean 'bonding'?"

He shrugs and I hear the tv finally come on. It was already switched over to Netflix so he just leaves it and I assume start looking to AHS again. "I dunno. I guess something for the buisnesses."

I scoff at him. "That still doesn't explain why you're in my bed."

"Oh please, I'm sure you've been dying to have me in your bed, M. And I doubt I'm the first boy laying here."

"Excuse me?" I ask, giving him attitude. He raises one eyebrow at me and keeps smirking, a small dimple popping out of his right cheek. "You know exactly what I mean, M. I know why you're really manipulating me," He leans up and throws his feet over the edge of my bed. "It's obvious actually," He nods as he stands up and turns towards me, his head cocked to the side in wonder.

"This whole time I just thought you were this dumbass little bitch that didn't know how to keep her mouth shut," He huffed as he started walking towards me. His smirk never faltered. And I wasn't sure I liked this Ace more. This Ace almost scared me more than mean Ace. Because I think I knew what this Ace was getting at. I also wasn't sure if he would go to the extreme.

I backed away from Ace, keeping a tight grip on my towel. My legs were starting to shake from the fear, and now nervousness. My heart was beating out of my chest, skipping a few times and knocking the breath out of me.

What the hell?

"But now... I think I figured it out," He mumbles as he gets closer. He looks down at me in a slightly seductive... dominate manner. It scared me in a way...

"What are you talking about?" I whisper as I hit the wall, freezing since I'm not able to go anywhere. He gets closer to me, his body not slowing down.

I swallowed a nervous knot in my throat and leaned my head back up at Ace. He gets close enough to place a hand on the wall above my head. He was way taller than me. The top of my head could probably only touch the middle of his peck. I reached my head upwards, trying to see his face as he leaned down closer to me. He closed the space between us as much as he could without it effecting him also I guess...

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