Chapter Two: Milkshakes

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Archie's P.O.V
betty and i walked into the student lounge where veronica and jug were waiting for us in awkward silence. veronica and jughead had never been close but they were friendly. kevin kept telling me they did it for me and betty, and that we had a special bond that everyone knew of. he said him and everyone else could see me constantly get lost in betty's eyes and her smile, also that he and cheryl were the captains of our ship whatever that means. i just denied it, i didn't need anyone knowing i had feelings for betty. he said the only people oblivious to this were the ones that were living in denial, veronica and jughead.
veronica saw me and ushered for me to sit next to her, i wish i had just let betty know my feelings when she told me hers at the beginning of the year, but i thought i was going to hurt her, and i couldn't bring myself to do that. veronica cuddled up next to me making me tense and honestly uncomfortable, i just don't want to be with her anymore. i shifted on the couch to move away from her a bit, and she obviously noticed and frowned. she then turned to betty and said excitedly "so this friday i was thinking we all go up to my family's cabin for a romantic couples getaway, no parents, no rules. just romance."
i wasn't paying attention to her i was just staring at betty, veronica must have saw because she hit my arm hard, knocking me out of my trance.
"oh, uh yeah ronnie that sounds great." i said while stealing little glances here and there at the beautiful blonde across from me.
"we're totally up for it V, right Jug?" betty said to the obviously annoyed jughead who didn't want to go.
"i mean sure, i guess." jughead said unenthusiastically. i rolled my eyes making sure no one saw. if i was with betty i would treat her so much better than him. but i can't do that to jug.
the first bell rang breaking the awkward silence between us. i had chemistry first, with betty. i got up waiting for betty to come too, once she walked over we were on our way. once we got to class and sat down at our usual table together i sarcastically said "well this will be a fun weekend."
"oh yeah definitely i'll be in an enclosed space with jughead for a weekend, and he wants absolutely nothing to do with me." it made me mad when people hurt betty and i felt nothing but rage towards jughead while looked at betty's heartbroken face.
"hey don't worry betts, i'm sure it will be fine." i said grabbing her hand, and intertwining our fingers. she looked up at me, and i could see in her eyes how bad she'd been hurting for the past couple weeks. we just sat there holding hands until cheryl walked up to us. she noticed how we were holding hands, fingers intertwined, and she smiled widely at us.
"so what are you two lovebirds up to." she said with an excited tone, ever since cheryl and toni got together she'd been nicer than her normal self. betty and i both pulled our hands away from each other and began protesting cheryl's remark.
"calm down you two, i was just kidding." she said giving me a subtle wink as she walked away. i could feel my cheeks turn bright red, everyone had to know my feelings for betty if even cheryl blossom could tell.
*after school*
i walked through the hallway to find betty at her locker putting some books away.
"ready to go?" i asked as she smiled at me.
"yeah, yeah let's go." she said as we walked down the hallway and out of Riverdale High.
we were walking next to each other in silence on the way back to our houses. however it wasn't awkward silence, it was nice. this happened with betty and me a lot, we had these moments where we didn't even have to talk we just understood each other. in this moment i could tell she didn't want to talk and neither did i. we got to our houses, but i didn't want to leave betty yet.
"bye arch, see you later." betty said as she turned to walk away.
"wait betty, wanna go to pop's... to talk ?" i asked quickly.
"yeah, definitely. just let me put my bag inside really quickly." she replied as she walked up the stairs to her house, she opened the door, set her bag down, and yelled something up to her mom. she then walked back over to me and we were on our way.
we got to pop's and sat in our regular booth, but instead of sitting across from betty like i normally do i slid in next to her. we ordered milkshakes, and just sat there and talked about our childhood for what felt like hours. then betty said something that completely changed my mood.
"so how were thing between you and V today?" she asked curiously.
"you know the usual she was clingy i was uncomfortable." i said jokingly.
betty cocked an eyebrow at me.
"come on arch tell me the truth." she said as she grabbed my hand that had been resting on the table. i looked down at our hands then back up at her. i just wanted to grab her face and kiss her.
"i don't know betty, i can't keep pretending and lying to everyone around me." i said holding back tears, the tears weren't because of veronica, they were because i wanted betty but knew i couldn't be with her. i looked down so she wouldn't see the tears in my eyes. i just wanted to tell her but i couldn't. she pulled her hand away from mine and cupped my face with both of her hands, bringing it up so we were facing each other and only inches apart.
"arch..." she said with a heartbroken look as she saw my tears. she pulled me into a tight hug and wouldn't let go. i buried my face in her neck and just held onto her as tightly as i could. "it'll be okay...i promise." she whispered into my ear sending shivers up my spine. i wanted to stay like this forever her small body in my arms. but i knew it would be over soon. things between me and betty would never happen, she's with jughead and i'm with veronica.

A/N - guys i'm sorry for only writing in archie's P.O.V but once i started i couldn't stop. next time i'll do more betty and maybe some other characters.

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