Chapter Four: Chuck

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Archie's P.O.V
it's been about a week since betty and i started dating, and veronica and jughead have both been completely supportive. while kevin and cheryl have been a little too supportive, still claiming to be the captains of our ship. i still don't know what that means by the way.
i walked over to betty while she was putting her bag in her locker, and i leaned against the locker next to hers staring at her side profile. she closed her locker and pulled the flyer stuck to it off.
"have you seen this flyer for moose's party on friday?" she asked me smiling cheekily as she wrapped her arms around my neck. i let my hands fall down and rest around her waist.
"as a matter of fact, i have, and that's why i came over here, to ask if you wanted to go with me." i said with a hopeful look in my eye.
"of course i will, who else would i go with." she said planting a passionate kiss on my lips. she grabbed my hand and we walked to our next class.
Betty's P.O.V
i sat at our normal lunch table outside with V, as we waited for the boys. as we sat there gossiping i got this strange feeling, like something terrible was going to happen, but i didn't want to ruin the mood so i pushed it down and kept on the meaningless conversation.
"guess who!" someone said from behind me as they covered my eyes and placed a soft kiss of my cheek. he took his hands off my eyes and sat down next to me putting his arm around my shoulder, i gave archie a playful shove. "you scared me half to death, you idiot!" i yelled at him playfully. he pulled me closer to him and moved his arm so it was around my waist. i stared at his side profile longingly as he and jughead began to talk.
"ok look, i love how in love you two are, but if you ever do anything more than a slight peck, in front of me i will kill you both, then throw up." veronica said seriously eyeing both of us and cocking an eyebrow. i smiled at her evilly before grabbing archie's face and beginning to make out with him.
"oh my god, stop!" veronica yelled laughing as she threw one of her grapes at us.
"but really though please don't, i think i'm going to get an std just looking at you two." jughead said while smiling and taking a bite of his burger.
"shut up jughead! let them have their moment then we can yell at them for kissing." veronica said to jughead while hitting his back. he coughed a couple times then turned to veronica.
"are you trying to make me choke?" he asked her.
"yes, yes i am." she replied sarcastically.
cheryl, toni, sweet pea, fangs, reggie, moose, kevin, and josie came over to join us, as they sat down the meaningless conversations started up again. i leaned my head against archie's shoulder. i looked around at my amazing friends, that i was so lucky to have and my handsome loving boyfriend, who makes me feel special and beautiful. how could my life get any better than this, i was on such a high, it felt like nothing could go wrong. i let my gaze drift from our table to the jocks table. i made direct eye contact with chuck, chuck clayton. he cocked an eyebrow and gave me this evil manipulative face, that was burned into my brain. his eyes were full of rage and hatred. i felt my stomach drop as i broke the stare. a worried look came across my face, and i guess archie must have noticed, he squeezed my thigh and asked if anything was wrong.
"oh no, no i'm fine." i said giving him my best fake reassuring smile. he looked at me for a second with concerned eyes before nodding and smiling back.
A/N - i'm so so sorry this chapter was so short and boring, but i needed a filler. i promise the next chapter is going to have drama and be better. i'm planning on updating later today.

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