Chapter Three: I Love You

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Betty's P.O.V
the rest of the week went by slowly. it was a normal week. the only thing that was different was archie, he wasn't his normal happy self. i never saw his normal dreamy smile unless the two of us went to Pop's. i would catch him staring at me and he was always spacing out, but i also felt like we were getting closer by the minute. finally friday rolled around and it was time for us all to go to veronica's cabin. archie and i were waiting in my room for veronica to come with jughead to get us, so we could drive up to shadow lake. we heard a knock on the door, so we grabbed our bags and headed down to the door. i opened it to see veronica and juhead's smiling faces, which both turned to frowns when they saw archie behind me with both of our bags.
"oh, hey archiekins i didn't think you would be over here." veronica said with a slightly pissed off tone, jughead just standing silently giving archie the death stare.
"yeah, betts and i were just waited over here for you guys." archie responded looking at me and smiling.
"okay well you guys can just put your bags in the car and we'll be off on our romantic getaway." veronica said excitedly while linking our arms. i reached for my suitcase but archie grabbed it and winked at me. i felt veronica's arm tense up under mine, and i couldn't help but smile.
"thanks arch." i said with a grin.
"archiekins, i'm sure betty can carry her own bag." veronica said harshly, i subtilely rolled my eyes at her comment.
"it's fine i got it." archie said harshly back at veronica.
"okay then, let's go." veronica said obviously annoyed as we all got in the car and archie put our stuff in the trunk.
*at the lodge*
"well here we are, isn't it beautiful B?" veronica asked me with a smile.
"it's heavenly V." i responded in awe. maybe this weekend wouldn't be so bad. we had monday off at school so we could stay for an extra day.
"bye andre, we will see you monday at 9:00." veronica said to her driver as he pulled out of the driveway and left. we walked inside the giant cabin and looked around a bit.
"oh my god V. thank you so much for inviting us this is beautiful." i said to her as she smiled widely.
"thank you betts, i'm happy you like it. so you and jughead's room is upstairs right next to mine and archiekins'." she said as she smiled cheekily.
"once we all get settled i propose we get in the hot tub." veronica said excitedly. we all nodded, grabbed our bags, and walked upstairs. i walked into jughead and i's room with him close behind. i fished through my suitcase for my cute black bikini and went to the bathroom to change not saying a word to jughead the whole time.

 i fished through my suitcase for my cute black bikini and went to the bathroom to change not saying a word to jughead the whole time

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i put a open flowy coverup on and walked out of the room leaving jughead behind. i walked down the stairs and archie and veronica we're sitting next to each other silently. archie was looking down.
"omg B you look hot." veronica said as she looked at me. when archie heard that he looked up as well.
Archie's P.O.V
"omg B you look hot." i heard veronica say as someone walked down the stairs.
i looked up to see betty in a sexy black bikini. my jaw actually dropped she looked stunning. i couldn't take my eyes off of her. i just stared at her she was the most gorgeous human being i've ever seen in my entire life. i loved her so much i just wish i could tell her how amazing and beautiful she really is, i needed her and i didn't know how much longer i could go without her. i stared at her with my mouth open slightly and the biggest grin on my face. she caught me staring at her and her cheeks flushed with color. she smiled back. we were in our own world, until veronica noticed betty blushing and me staring and called down jughead. once we were all downstairs veronica said "come on everyone, let's get in the hot tub."
Veronica's P.O.V
lately i had noticed betty and archie getting closer. the last straw for me was when betty walked out in her bathing suit. i could tell archie was staring at her. if i'm being honest it hurt a lot. he's never looked at me the way he looks at betty daily. they just kept staring at each other like i wasn't even there. i'd had enough of this bull shit, so i called down jughead and suggested we get in the hot tub. i needed to think of something to get archie to come back to me.
Archie's P.O.V
we all walked over to the hot tub and i couldn't stop looking at betty she was breathtaking. her bathing suit complemented her body in all the right places. veronica was next to me and jughead was next to betty, with his arm around her which just annoyed me a bit.
"okay who wants to play a little game?" veronica asked in a very manipulative tone.
"uh..sure V." betty responded.
"let's play never have i ever." veronica said and everyone nodded their heads in agreement.
"okay everyone put up five fingers...never have i ever drank at a party." everyone put one finger down.
"never have i ever noticed my boyfriend staring at my best friend all time even though she has a boyfriend who is also his best friend." veronica said pissed off as she turned to me and put her finger down.
"veronic-" i said turning to face her, but she cut me off. i looked over at jughead and betty who looked increasingly uncomfortable.
"i'm not done. never have i ever had feeling for my best friend that they didn't reciprocate." she said turning towards betty smiling evilly. "put your finger down betty, or do you not remember that." veronica said.
i looked at betty as a tear rolled down her cheek, she looked at me with the most heartbroken look, then got out of the hot tub and ran inside.
"what the fuck, are you seriously that fucking messed up, why would you do that?" i screamed at veronica.
"because your my boyfriend and she was getting to close archiekins." she said innocently putting her hand on my chest.
"no i'm not not your boyfriend anymore, we're over." i said pushing her hand off me and getting up to run after betty.
"wait archiekins, come on it was just a joke, betty knows that." she said pouting as she grabbed my arm.
"clearly she doesn't, and don't touch me." i said. i pushed open the sliding doors and ran up to betty's room. i saw her sitting on the bed crying.
i ran over to her and hugged her just holding her as she cried into my chest. i put my chin on her head and kissed her head lightly as she cried.
"i'm so sorry, betty. i don't know why she would do that." i said as betty pulled away from me.
"because it's true, arch. she did it because it's true." she said looking at her feet as she wiped a tear from her cheek. i stared down at the ground for a while before deciding to tell betty.
"no betty it's not true." i said as our eyes met.
"what do you mean archie yes it is?" she asked me.
"it's not true... because the feelings were, reciprocated, and they still are." i responded as i stared into her eyes. i was waiting for her to say something, but she didn't. my heart hurt more than anything in my entire life.
"i get it if you don't feel the same wa-" i said but got cut off as betty grabbed my face with both hands and placed a soft kiss on my lips. after she pulled away i grabbed one of her hands that was still on my face and intertwined our fingers. i kissed the back of her hand and she giggled.
"i love you with all my heart, elizabeth cooper, i always have and always will..."
"and i love you archie andrews, always have always will." she said as her smile grew. then a look of worry appeared on her face.
"what about veronica and jughead?" she asked as i held her hand.
"yeah what about us?" i heard jughead's voice say from the doorway. i looked up and saw him and veronica standing in the doorway looking majorly pissed.
"oh um, how long have you two been standing there." betty asked them with a worried tone.
"long enough to know that you and archie belong together. i'm so sorry B, i was just being a insecure bitch. i love you." veronica said walking over to me. i smiled at her and hugged her tightly.
"i guess i'll just join kevin and cheryl and be a captain of the ship." she said with a slight laugh.
Betty's P.O.V
"jughead?" i questioned looking at the beanie wearing boy infront of me.
"i get it i knew this day would come it was inevitable." he said, "but we'll still all be best friends, right?" he asked.
"of course we will Jug, i wouldn't have it any other way." archie answered.
"well then we'll leave you to it. be safe use protection." jughead said jokingly while grabbing his bag and leaving the room with veronica. i turned back to archie and smiled.
"archie what are we?" i asked him seriously.
"well if you'll have me i think i would like it if we could be boyfriend and girlfriend." he looked at me shyly biting his lip. 
"of course arch, i wouldn't have it any other way." i said excitedly as i planted another soft kiss on his lips, after i pulled away i leaned back on the bed. archie put his arms around my waist and pulled me closer to him. we laid like this cuddling until i fell asleep in archie's muscular arms.

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