Chapter Five: Attempt

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Betty's P.O.V
the rest of the week went by painfully slow. i was counting down the days to moose's party, until friday finally rolled around. i hadn't had anymore contact with chuck, to be honest i had been avoiding him since monday. everytime i saw him i would look down so i didn't make eye contact. i could feel his dark eyes staring right through me. archie began to notice he looked worried like he has done something wrong, i wanted to tell him that he didn't do anything and i was being so weird because of chuck, but i was honestly scared of his reaction. i didn't want to mess up one of the best things that's ever happened to me. the school day quickly came to an end and it was time to leave.
"B want to come over to get ready for the party?" veronica asked.
"of course V, lets go." i replied.
"pick us up, 9:00 o'clock at the Pembrooke." veronica said to archie and reggie as she placed a kiss on reggie's cheek. reggie started to grin as veronica turned to walk away. i smiled at archie before following veronica out of the school.
"omg B, i have to show you my dress!" veronica said excitedly as we entered her room. she ran to her closet and grabbed something off of a coat hanger. then ran into the bathroom to try it on. i heard my ringer go off so i went to check my phone. it was from an unknown number.
U: are you going to the party tonight
B: who is this?
U: make sure you're there... or you'll regret it.
B: seriously who are you?
U: come to the fucking party and maybe you'll find out. also i think you should leave your pretty boyfriend at home i want to have some fun
B: well my boyfriend could rip you apart, i'm not scared of you, i bet you wouldn't lay a fucking hand on me. you're too afraid.
U: you want to bet on that
U: be there tonight
i turned my phone off and got lost in my train of thought. wth was that about? i was so confused
"betty, betty? hello!" veronica yelled as i snapped out of my trance. i would've showed her the texts but i didn't want to worry her. she was excited about reggie, and i didn't want to ruin that.
"oh sorry. omg V your dress is beautiful! reggie will love it!" i squealed excitedly.
"thanks, i really want to impress him. i know he's not the brightest, but he's really sweet." she said happily. i liked when veronica was happy, and if that was with reggie then so be it, even though she could do much better. maybe he'll grow on me.
"ok, now go put your dress on." she said as i grabbed my light pink dress and went to the bathroom.
we spent the rest of our time before the party getting ready, doing each others hair and makeup. i decided to leave my hair down and do some light makeup. right as we were finishing up i heard a knock at the door.
"that must be the boys." V said as she went to get the door. i heard them greeting each other as i slid my shoes on.
Archie's P.O.V
i looked up at betty as she walked down the stairs. i was dumbfounded, she was the most beautiful girl i had ever seen in my entire life, and she was mine. i grinned widely at her. she bit her lip slightly and smiled back.
"you look...completely beautiful, i don't deserve you. you're so perfect." i said as i looked her up and down.
"aww arch. thank you." she said as she placed a soft kiss on my lips.
"cooper, lodge, you both look great now can we go?" reggie asked winking at me as he put his arm around veronica. betty and veronica giggled and we made our way to reggie's car.
we got to moose's house and it was super crowded. we walked inside and the music was blaring, people were grinding on each other everywhere, and the smell of cheap beer was strong throughout the house.
"let's dance." veronica said as she grabbed reggie and betty and pulled them to the "dance floor" which was really moose's living room. i followed behind. i was dancing with betty from behind. i rested my hands on betty's hips, and we just swayed to the music while veronica and reggie made out next to us.
we'd been there for hours, but the night had just begun. after dancing for a while i got tired.
"i'm going to go get a drink do you want anything." i asked betty.
"can you bring over some tequila shots?" veronica asked.
"yeah that sounds good." betty said loudly over the music.
"reggie that good for you too?" i asked him.
"yes andrews, bring as many as you can carry." he replied.
i laughed and went to the kitchen to get everyone's drinks. i heard the music completely stop, so i walked out of the kitchen to see what was going on. everyone was sitting around in a circle. moose was in the middle and he had an empty bottle. i walked over and sat next to betty.
"we're going old school tonight folks. seven minutes in heaven. who wants to go first?" moose asked.
"i will." chuck said as he looked betty up and down and licked his lips. i felt betty's body tense up and i clenched my jaw. i put my hand on her thigh to try to calm her down as much as i could.
chuck spun the bottle. it went around, and around, and around. until finally it landed. on betty, of course, because what the hell else would happen!
"no, not happening." i said seriously clenching my jaw tight. i wanted to walk over there and knock that smug look off of chuck's dumbass face.
"come on, andrews it's just a game." chuck said winking at betty.
"how about i go instead?" cheryl said looking at me sympathetically.
"no, rules are rules. come on betty." chuck said standing up and walking over towards me and betty.
"really clayton, just drop it." reggie said with his arm around veronica's waist protectively.
betty just gave me this look, a look i'll never forget. she looked the most scared i've ever seen her, she looked so uncomfortable, i could tell she didn't want to do this.
"betty let's go." i said looking into her scared eyes.
"it'll be okay arch, nothing is going to happen. i promise." she said squeezing my hand. she placed a soft kiss on my cheek, and got up to follow chuck to the closet. i didn't want to let go of her hand but i did.
Betty's P.O.V
we got into the closet and i stood as far away from chuck as possible.
"really chuck. threatening me with texts. is that all you've got." i said referring to the texts chuck had sent me earlier.
"look, i don't know what you're talking about, but it's really turning me on." chuck said getting closer to me. if chuck didn't send the messages who did?
"get away from me chuck." i said sternly as he got too close to me. then pushed me harshly against the wall. i instantly felt pain in my back. he was pinning me to the wall by my hips.
"you know you want me. you know i'm better then andrews." he whispered seductively in my ear.
"let me go." i said calmly. his face inches from mine. his grip tightened and i stared panicking inside. right as i was about to protest, and shove him away, he put his hand over my mouth and grabbed my thigh roughly. i was trying to scream but his hand was blocking me from letting any sound out. i was pounding my weak fist against his chest trying to get him off, but nothing was working. he put his hand up my dress and started squeezing the inside of my thigh so tightly it hurt. he swiftly pulled my dress off. i was trying to fight him, but he over powered me by a lot. he was huge. i never thought this would happen to me, i didn't know what to do. he started sucking on my neck working his way down to my stomach, right above my panties, leaving purple and red hickeys everywhere. i was fighting against him as hard as i could, but nothing was working. he started to pull on my underwear, but i was keeping them up with all my strength. they were the only things keeping him from doing something more serious. i had no idea what to do until an idea came to me. i bit his hand so hard i tasted his metallic blood in my mouth instantly. he pulled it away from my face because of the pain, and i screamed for help.
"Archie!" i screamed through sobs.
Archie's P.O.V
it'd been about three minutes since betty and chuck had gone in the closet. i hadn't heard anything, but i didn't know if that was a good sign or a bad sign. i was starting to worry, chuck was a good looking guy. i knew betty wouldn't hurt me, but what if chuck tries something. i was waiting with cheryl, veronica, and reggie near the closet door. everyone else was chatting amongst themselves. it felt like they'd been in there for ages, i was getting restless.
"archie, relax. chuck may be a douchebag, but i don't think he's a genuinely bad person, he's not going to try anything ." reggie said trying to reassure me, i nodded, but i couldn't tell if he was trying to convince me or himself. then i heard it. a scream from betty.
"Archie!" the room went dead silent. i was in a panick. i reached for the doorknob, but it was locked.
"reggie, veronica move!" i yelled at them as i backed up. i ran and flung my self against the door, causing it to break completely. what i saw next put me into a complete rage. chuck was pinning betty, who was crying and didn't have her dress on, against the wall and trying to pull down her underwear. i ran in the closet and flung chuck against the other wall. i began repeatedly punching him in the face as hard as i could. he got a couple punches in too, leaving instant bruises. betty was balled up in the corner crying. veronica and cheryl ran in, grabbed her dress, and helped her back into it. i threw chuck onto the floor. i got on top of him and began to pummel him once more. his face was completely busted along with my knuckles.
"andrews, andrews enough." reggie said trying to pull him me off of him. chuck stood up and he spit blood out.
"if you ever so much as look in her direction again, i'll fucking murder you, and don't think i won't you fucking prick. you're a piece of shit who deserves nothing. what do you think forcing her to have sex with you is going to do? huh?" i said calmly getting in his face. i licked the blood from my lip and spit it out. i began to walk away from him, but before i could i heard a loud thump on the ground. i saw chuck on the ground and reggie standing over him.
"i had to get one punch in." reggie said walking over to betty, veronica, and cheryl. moose grabbed chuck and pushed him outside. i walked over to betty who was crying. i wrapped her in my arms, and let her cry into my shoulder.
"do you want to get out of here?" i whispered in her ear. she nodded her head, then turned around to cheryl and veronica. she hugged them both then turned to reggie.
"thank you." she said as she smiled at reggie and hugged him.
"anytime cooper." he said winking at her.
i put my arm around her waist and we walked out of the party, and back to betty's house.
"want to come in? my parents won't be home all weekend, and i don't want to be alone right now." she said me trying to smile through her tears.
"of course." i said as we walked inside and went to her room.
we got into her room and closed the door.
"will you unzip me?" she asked me gesturing to the zipper on her dress.
"yeah." i said as i walked over and unzipped the dress. as i unzipped it i kissed her neck. i could see the spots chuck left on her. it made me mad just thinking about it. i kissed each hickey tenderly, trying not to cause any pain. she took her dress completely off. "turn around!" she said as she stood infront of me in her bra and underwear.
"fine." i said as i turned slowly. i couldn't help, but peek. her body was perfect, just like her personality.
"you're beautiful." i said staring at her naked body.
"oh my god, arch! turn around!" she said laughing as she tried to cover herself up. i turned around until she was done. she threw on an oversized t-shirt i had left here months ago.
"do you have any more of my clothes here?" i asked her raising an eyebrow.
"top left drawer." she said cheekily. the drawer was full of my gym shorts and sweatshirts. i took of my clothes and put on a riverdale high sweatshirt and shorts. as we hopped in bed. i pulled betty close to me and put my arms around her. she tucked her hands into her body and pressed against me.
"thank you, arch." she said sleepily as she got closer to my chest.
"anytime cooper." i replied. we laid like this and talked for hours until she fell asleep in my arms.

A/N - hey guys this chapter was long, but i'm also really proud of it. i'm sorry it took so long to update, from now on i'll do it sooner, i will try to get out an update soon. please comment and vote.
(word count 2.4k)

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