Chapter Eleven: The Girl Next Door

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seven years later
"please stop crying." betty begged the small child as she bounced him in her arms. he had been screeching at the top of his lungs for an hour, and betty hadn't slept since the day before. the bags under her eyes had become increasingly darker.
"betts, i told you to wake me up if austin started to cry again." a tired looking archie walked into the room.
"i know, i know. but i was awake anyways and it's like 4:00am." her eyes started to tear up, she didn't know if it was the lack of sleep, or the fact she'd been on the verge of a breakdown for days.
"betty you can't do this to yourself. you haven't slept in ages, let me take him and you go sleep." she let a tear slip down her cheek as she set the fragile newborn in archie's arms.
"i love you betty cooper, and i'm so lucky to start a family with you." archie whispered in her ear as he pulled her into a hug. betty closed her yes and let the. warmth of archie protect her.
"i love you too." betty kissed archie on the lips once, before beginning to leave the room, but she stopped as she heard something she hadn't heard in a while. archie was singing a lullaby they listened to when they were kids. the tune was so familiar and wrapped betty in a layer of sweet memories.
archie has kept his promise, the day she turned eighteen they got engaged, when they were 20 they got married, now at 23 they had started a family. one son, three weeks old, austin asher andrews. he was the light of both their lives, and it had only been a couple weeks.
betty listened to archie finish singing to austin then went to their bedroom. a few minutes after she laid down archie crawled in bed next to her. he wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her towards him holding her tightly as if to protect her innocence from the world. she was the love of his life, he'd always known that, but he let himself get distracted when they were younger. now he was completely focused on one girl.
"you know i've always loved you, and will always love you, right?" archie said into the darkness as he ran his hand across the large scar that went across her stomach.
"of course i do. i love you too." betty responded somewhere in between being awake and sleeping.
"i can't wait for the rest of our life." archie smiled at the thought of having more kids, then getting grandkids, and growing old. throughout all of that he saw betty by his side.
"i can't either arch."
"as long as we're together it will be perfect."
who would have thought the boy next door would eventually realize that his one true love had always been the girl next door.

a/n - omg and that's the end. i wanted to make them live happily ever after, because after all the shit us barchie shippers have had to deal with, it's what we deserve. i just want to thank y'all so much for reading this story and sticking through it. i love all of y'all so much and just because this story is over doesn't mean i'm done writing. currently i'm writing a skam fanfic and a stydia fanfic. y'all can check out the stydia one, i put up the first couple of chapters. thank you all so much i can't even express in words how much his story and all of you mean to me. stay strong barchie shippers, we will be endgame.

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