Chapter Seven: Emergencies

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Betty's P.O.V
"hey mom, i'm home." i said as i stepped into the cold house.
"hi sweetie i missed you." she replied as she pulled me into a tight, but not unwanted hug.
"oh elizabeth, a boy came by the house and said he was looking for you. he said he wanted to apologize or something like that."
"that's weird. um did he say his name?"
"yeah he said his name was chuck clayton. i sent him upstairs to wait for you."
"wait, you mean he's up there right now?"
"yes, now don't be rude and go talk to him."
i walked up the stairs and opened the door to my room, purposely leaving it wide open. he got off my bed and walked towards me causing me to back up.
"look betty, i'm not here to hurt you. i came to apologize. i was drunk and i regret what i did so much. i'm so so sorry." he said with this pleading regretful look in his eyes.
"look chuck what you did was unforgivable, even if you were drunk. i'm sorry, but i have to ask you to leave." i said sternly. the hurting look in his eyes grew. he walked over to the door and closed it.
"chuck, what are you doing?" i asked backing away from him.
"see this, this is why i'm apologizing. you're afraid of me. i'm so sorry betty please." he was practically begging me.
"chuck you need to leave." i said slightly louder.
"betty i'm running out to the store. i'll be back soon!" i heard my mom call from downstairs.
"mom wait-" i was cut off by the front door slamming closed. i heard her car pull out of the driveway, as i looked over at chuck who had nothing but hatred in his eyes.
"betty, you need to forgive me." he demanded.
"no! get out of my house!" i screamed at him.
"not until you forgive me!" he yelled back as he grabbed a framed picture off my desk, and threw it at the wall, causing the glass to break and shatter everywhere. i looked at him sheer terror on my face.
"chuck. please leave." i said calmly trying to steady my shaking voice.
"don't you understand betty, you live in this pale pink world of and first kisses, and am i going to date archie or jughead, but you don't understand bad things happen, people get hurt. accidents happen." he said as he pulled a pocket knife out of his jeans.
"chuck, please. look i-i forgive you okay. you can go now chuck, i forgive you." i said my voice cracking. no one was here to save me.
"see the thing is you don't though." the look of regret was gone now it was anger. he took the knife and plunged it into my thigh. i cried out in pain. he pulled it out and stabbed me again, this time in the abdomen.
"chuck please." my shaky voice begged him. he looked down at me guiltily. "i'm sorry betty. it had to be done." then he ran out of the house.
"help me! please." i yelled out through sobs. i tried to stand up, but couldn't muster up enough strength, the knife was still inside of me and probably the only thing keeping me alive. i dragged myself over to the window and with all my strength lifted it up half way. i grabbed a little trinket off of the bottom of my book shelf, and with the last bit of remaining strength i hurled it at the window across from mine, it left a little crack where it had hit the glass.
Archie's P.O.V
i was laying in bed when i heard something hit my window. i opened the curtains and saw that betty's window was open, there were red handprints on the glass, but i couldn't tell what it was. i opened my window, and called out "betty?" i saw a bloody hand appear on the windowsill. i felt as if all the air had been knocked out of me, as if i had been shot in the gut. i sprinted down the stairs and flung my front door open, i heard my dad calling from behind me, but i ignored it. i ran to the cooper's house next door. i reached for the doorknob, but it was locked. i was working every possible part of my brain trying to think of how to get inside. i stepped back a bit before lifting up my leg and kicking the door in. i ran up the stairs to betty's room and flung the door open. my heart broke as i saw the blond laying on the floor by the window covered in blood, with a knife inside her.
"arch." she said weakly.
"it's okay betty don't talk. you'll be okay." i grabbed my phone from my pocket and dialed 911.
"911, what's your emergency?"
"my-my girlfriend's been stabbed. please you have to help me. she's going to die." i said frantically.
"okay, okay we're sending an ambulance right now. is she conscious?"
"um, yes. barley."
i heard a siren outside and dropped my phone, picking betty up bridal style and carrying her down the stairs.
"don't worry betts, you'll be okay. it's going to be okay."

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