Chapter Six: Pop's

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Archie's P.O.V
I got up and looked around thinking i would see the familiar surroundings of my room, the band posters on the dark walls, clothes thrown everywhere, and a normal sleeping spot for jughead who was practically over everyday. but instead i saw light pink walls in a immaculate room. i looked over at the blonde sleeping in my arms, and memories of last night filled my head. i smiled at her as she fluttered her bright blue eyes open tiredly.
"what are you looking at?" she asked smacking a hand against my bare chest.
"i'm just looking at how beautiful my girlfriend is, and wondering why she picked me of all people." i replied as a huge grin spread across betty's face.
"shut up." she said still smiling widely. she tried to get up but i pulled her back into my chest closer than before.
"arch.." she said giggling as she tried to pull away.
"betty no." i whined out.
"do you want breakfast or not?" she asked i slowly let go of her waist realizing how hungry i was.
"fine." i said as i got up. i grabbed betty's hand and we walked downstairs to the kitchen. betty looked down at our hands and her face looked shocked. i was really confused until i looked down too.
"oh my god, arch. you're hands!" she said as she looked at my busted up knuckles that were extremely swollen and had dried blood on them.
"it's nothing, i'm fine." i said trying to reassure her, but i knew betty wouldn't drop it.
"no. don't even try. we need to get this cleaned up. if you get an infection it could mess up your hand and you won't be able to play football." she looked at me with raised eyebrows until i gave in. i let her wash it in the sink, then she took out the first aid kit and wrapped it.
"you need ice too." she said going to the freezer to get an ice pack.
"no i don't betty. really i'm fine. your overreact-" betty cut me off by taking a ice pack out of the freezer and holding it on my knuckles.
"don't argue." she said seriously.
i put one of my arms around her waist and pulled her close to me.
"i'll argue all i want." i replied kissing her passionately and with more force than ever before. i slid my hands up her shirt before realizing she didn't have a bra on. i touched her bare chest but she didn't seem to mind. right as she tugged on my waistline someone burst through the front door, casing us to jump apart.
"oh my god! ew. when i came over to my bff's house to hang out i didn't think i'd be seeing my ex shoving his tongue down her throat, and his hand up her shirt. i think i'm going to throw up." veronica screamed at us. betty laughed at veronica's comment.
"i'm going to go get dressed i'll be right back." betty said as she walked past veronica and out the kitchen. veronica walked over towards me.
"so how are you and B?" she asked raising an eyebrow.
"we're amazing." i responded smiling. veronica stepped closer to me. i was kind of confused. i mean she was with reggie and i was with betty. she put her hand in my hair and pulled me by it so i was at her level.
"if you hurt her i'll break your pretty face." she said glaring at me. i laughed at her comment.
"oh you think this is funny, andrews?" she responded with a furrowed brow.
"no mam." i said back as i put my hands up in a sign of surrender.
"good, because i will break you. i may be small, but when it comes to betty i'll beat you up." she said protectively.
i grinned at her as she walked back over to the other side of the counter.

Betty's P.O.V
i walked up the stairs slowly. my leg aches and there was a massive bruise were chuck had been groping it. i just wanted to curl up in a ball and cry. i didn't want to talk to anyone, i just wanted to be alone. but i needed to be okay, for the people around me. they mattered more.

Archie 's P.O.V
"so what are you guys talking about?" betty asked as she walked back in the kitchen.
"oh just how i'll break archie if hurts you." veronica replied laughing.
"aww thanks V." betty said.
"what! i just got threatened, and you're taking her side." archie said jokingly staring at me.
"sorry dude, bros before hoes applies with girls too, but in his case you're the hoe." veronica said cracking a smile.
"so you want to go to pops? i can call reggie." veronica asked us.
i looked at betty who gave me the "of course" look, so we all went.
"how's your hand andrews, are we going to loose our star player?" reggie asked me looking worried.
"nah, i'll be fine for practice on-" i said but betty cut me off.
"he'll be fine when both his hand are completely healed and he won't play until then. right archie." betty said turning to me with an eyebrow raised. i grinned at her stupidly and kissed her lightly.
"aww." veronica said sarcastically as she looked at me and archie.
"remember our discussion, no kissing." i smiled at her then kissed betty again.
"i can't deal with this. reggie and i are going back to my place." veronica said as she grabbed reggie's hand and stood up.
"i see you two are getting along rather well." betty said smirking at veronica.
"shut it elizabeth." veronica said as she and reggie left the diner.
"want to go home, i'm exhausted?" betty asked.
"yeah." i said as we got up and left.
we walked hand in hand all the way back in silence, we did this a lot, the silence was oddly comforting. when we got back betty saw her mom's car in the driveway and freaked out.
"damn it! my mom came home early." she said turning to me with a sorry look on her face.
"it's cool i'll see you tomorrow." i hesitated with the last words i said even though i knew she would say then back.
"i love you."
"i love you too." my heart did flips when i heard her say that to me.
"goodnight arch." she whispered in my ear as she kissed my cheek.
"goodnight betts." i responded as she turned and walked inside.

A/N - this chapter was kind of random but i thought i'd just get y'all in your barchie feels

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