3. You get feelings for them

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Trapper/Evan Macmillan
Evan is really a nice guy, tough but sweet. Even though he killed those miners in the past, he's just misunderstood. I don't know why others are afraid of him, maybe he looks scary, but how the hell should I know, I'm blind. I can only tell that he's tall and strong, but that's it. I have to walk around with a stick to navigate, I just hope he doesn't notice anything too much. I don't want him to think I'm weak, I hate it.

Wraith/Phillip Ojomo
Phillip is a great person, he's friendly and helpful. He just needed someone, he has been alone for a long time. He only wanted a good life, away from war, but instead he had to kill his boss as justice for killing an innocent person. Poor guy. I want to give him that life, but it's impossible. Phillip doesn't know about my deafness and I want to keep it that way. I don't wanna feel or seem like a burden, it hurts.

Hillbilly/Max Thompson Jr.
Max is a misunderstood guy, he just wanted love, but instead his 'parents' hated him and locked him away because of his deformities. That's just cruel. To others he might look scary, but to me he's perfect. I'm just sad I can't speak with him normally, without stuttering. It impossible, I guess I'll just stick to small talk.

Nurse/Sally Smithson
Sally is the most caring female I have ever met. She heals my injuries, makes sure I'm healthy and clean. Just like a mother. She wanted to be a mother, she wanted a family with her husband, but it was taken away by madness and cruelty of this world. I want to help Sally with her sadness, but I'm scared she won't like me anymore if I told her about my legs. I don't have them, I don't want to be hated.

Shape/Micheal Myers
Michael is a very nice guy, sure he killed his older sister and her boyfriend, but they were hurting him emotionally and mentally. He never deserved it. I'm happy to be his friend, but I want to be more. That will never happen, he'll just think I'm a freak cause my eyes are two different colours. It's crazy... and sad.

Hag/Lisa Sherwood
Lisa is great, she's funny, she's hard-working and she's just... Perfect. I know she looks scary, but to me she's beautiful. I hope I don't sound cliché. She never minded that I'm very tall and I appreciate it. I guess to her also appearance doesn't matter. But the mind will. Lisa doesn't and won't know about my autism, she will leave me or kill me. I can't stand it.

Doctor/Herman Carter
Herman is an interesting and intriguing person. Sure he wears weird devices on his head, but I think it's cool. So are his abilities. I mean electricity, come on, that's awesome. He doesn't judge others and he's very observant, he told me he never saw my on generators, gates or chests, I just told him I was a distraction. I can't tell him about me not having arms that can ruin our friendship and I don't want that, I want to be... More. I just hope he doesn't notice my useless prosthetics.

Anna is a sweet gal. She's caring and almost like a mother. She gave me a room to stay in while she sleeps in the living area (I don't know). I feel bad, but I can't let her notice how skinny I am and that I vomit out my food somtimes. I need to look natural, she loves nature, so that's that. I just hope she doesn't find out about my problem, I really like her.

Cannibal/Jedidiah Sawyer
Jedidiah is a very sweet and caring person. He doesn't want to hurt or harm me in any way, his words. He's a cannibal, but I don't care. He can be what he wants to be. He even like to braid my hair, I let him, but I just have to be careful. I don't want my scars to be revealed. I know he won't judge, I am just... Scared? Terrified? Embarrassed? I don't know.

Nightmare/Freddy Krueger
Freddy. A huge pervert. A jerk. But a nice and cool guy. He knows what to say, knows his jokes and knows others fears. That's cool. But also, poor guy. He was burned by parents of children who he either killed didn't. I know it's wrong, but what those parents did is arson, property damage and first degree murder, they should be charged (Those are actually my thoughts, no joke. I just wanted to add them here. Seems perfect). I have feeling for him, but I'm scared. I have tourette and I can't stop it, it can ruin our friendship and I don't want that.

Pig/Amanda Young
Amanda is a nice girl. She had a rough life, being a druggie, but now she's clean. She still feels bad for what happened because of her addiction (I'm not gonna spoil it). I try to comfort her the best way I can: I brush her hair and talk to her. It seems she wants to do the same, but I can't let her. I'm scared she might not like me the same as I like her if I show her my bald head. I don't want that.

Clown/Jeffrey Hawk
Jeffrey is a strange guy, but he's also nice. He had a hard life with his bad habits, but thank God he stopped. He sometimes asks me why I'm friends with him, I always tell him "I don't care what you look like or what was your past, I care about who you are as a person". It always help comforted him, I'm glad. I sometimes want to say "because both of us are strange and others don't understand it", but I'm scared to tell him about my condition. Maybe I will have to courage to him one day.

I almost cried on this one, no joke. This was really emotionally and relatable to me. But I hope you enjoyed this chapter and with that, have a lovely time.

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