16. Time of the month aka period

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Trapper/Evan Macmillan
You were currently in bed, face down, curled up, groaning in pain. You were in a lot of pain. When Evan walked in the bedroom and found you like that, he got worried. "(Name) what's wrong?" Evan asked. You moved your face from the pillow to speak. "I'm bleeding and I'm in pain, what do you think?" You sassed. "What happened?" Evan asked, concerned. "It's just period" you answered. It took Evan a split second to understand what you meant. "Ooh, right. Do you need anything?" He asked. "Can you rub my back?" You asked in a small voice. "Of course, babe" he answered as he started rubbing you back in comfort. You stayed like that until you fell asleep, Evan noticed it and covered you with a blanket.

Wraith/Phillip Ojomo
Your time of the month came and you were not happy. You were crying from pain and just plain moodiness while curled up on the sofa. When Phillip came back and noticed you in tears, he panicked. "What's wrong?" He signed to you after getting your attention. "I'm o-on m-my p-period and it hurts" you said in between tears. Then Phillip slowly picked you up, sat on the sofa and placed you on his lap. "Calm down, dear. Calm down" he signed, then placed his hand on your chest and instructed you to breath. You did and after about an hour you calmed down fully. "Thank you" you said. Phillip in return pet your back.

Hillbilly/Max Thompson Jr.
It was that time and it sucked. You were on the couch, groan in pain while clutching you abdomen. You groans were heard by a certain someone. "What's wrong?" Max's voice spoke out of nowhere, getting your attention. "N-nothing. I'm j-just o-on my p-period" you answered. "What's a 'period'?" Max asked again. At first you wanted to ask why is he asking, but than you realize that he doesn't know what it is. "A p-period is a t-time w-when a f-female b-bleeds f-f-from their p-priva-te parts. B-but don't w-worry, i-it's natural f-for us. Besides th-that, we g-get c-cramps" you explained. "So it's normal for you?" Max asked again, to confirm everything. You nodded. "I hope you get better. I have to go" he said, giving you an apologetic look. You only smiled to calm his nerves.

Nurse/Sally Smithson
You were currently in tears and pain. Bloody Mary came to visit (you know what I mean) and she was a b*tch. You couldn't stand the pain, it was unbearable. Your thoughts were interrupted by a hand being placed on your shoulder. You jumped at the touch and turned around only to find Sally. "What's wrong, dear?" She asked with concern. "It's j-just my period. The cramps are unbearable" you answered while moaning in pain. Sally knew what you were going through since she is female herself. "Sit up straight" Sally commanded. "W-what?" You asked. "Just do as I say" she said. You sat up straight while clutching your abdomen. "Put your hands at your sides and take deep breaths" she continued. You did as she said and a second later you felt heat at your abdomen. You looked down and saw a heating pad (Idk). After a while, you felt a bit better and the pain went away. "How?" You asked. Sally only chuckled at your confusion.

Shape/Michael Myers
You were hating on life and Mother nature. 'Why' was the only question you had. Why did you have to deal with this? Oh yeah, you're a female, that's why. You were in bed, curled in a ball and were groaning in pain. "Why, Mother nature? Why?!" You groaned out. In a second, Michael appeared with concerned eyes. "What's wrong?" He asked while taking a seat next to your body. "Mother nature is what's wrong" you angrily replied. Michael tilted his head in confusion. "She hates me" you bluntly said. "Why?" Michael asked again. "Because she makes me bleed ONCE A MONTH" you yelled. It took Michael a second to understand what you meant and when he did, he gently pulled you head to his lap and pet your hair with one hand while his other hand massaged your abdomen. That confused you. "I had an older sister" Michael said as if he read your mind. You then calmed down and eventually fell asleep.

Hag/Lisa Sherwood
Today wasn't a happy day for you. You were shedding blood. And moaning in pain. Cause your period came to visit. You hated every second of it and wanted it to go away, but it was only the beginning of the week. While you were laying on the couch, Lisa found out about your period and was making a small surprise. You were almost asleep until another pang of pain hit your abdomen. You squeezed your eyes shut. "(Name), dewdrop, wake up" a small voice spoke. You opened your eyes and found Lisa. "What's up?" You asked. You questions was answered when she pulled a small box of chocolates from behind her back. "I stole it from survivors" Lisa answered a question you never asked. You only smiled and giggled before sitting up and placing her on your lap. You ate chocolate all day with a smile.

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