New killer - the Ghost Face

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New killer, new romantic partner. I've honestly been waiting for the day Ghostface would be finally added to the game and here he is. Enjoy.

Ghost face/Danny Johnson

Reader info

You lived a simple and peaceful life, but one night, a burglar broke into your house and attacked you. You managed to fight back, but you were left with deep cuts. The cuts went from the corners of your mouth towards your ear, making it look like a smile. Doctors helped you the best they could. Now you wear a face mask to hide your Glasgow smile.

How you met and becoming friends

Read the first chapter.

Their feelings and suspicions

(Name) is such a sweet and timid girl. First, she feared me, now, we're friends. Talking to her was the best idea. She makes me happy and is actually fun to be around. I love her, no doubt. The question I ask myself is: does she love me? Probably not, she's always nervous around me. I don't even know if she trusts me as much as I trust her. I mean, she never dares to take off her mask, but never says why. I'll get to the bottom of this and her fears.

Your feelings

I can't believe I have feelings for someone, especially a killer. But Danny is really nice and sweet and kind to me, I can't help myself. But he doesn't like me back, I know it. I'm too timid and nervous all the time. I'm just a scaredy cat. Plus, he'll think I'm ugly if I show him my scars, my "smile". Maybe he's just pitying me. I still I can't help, but love him.

Dating starts

A cold breeze blew through the air, making trees rustle quietly. Everything seemed calm, but loud footsteps interrupted the silence. You ran as fast as your legs could take you with the Legions hot on your tail. They chased you, like a game of Cat and Mouse. An hour ago, you were just wandering around, exploring the area until you got lost and eventually got the group of killers attention. Now, you're trying to find a way to get them off your butt. "We just want to play!" A girly yell broke the silence, taunting you. "Come back here, girly!" A deeper voice soon followed. But you didn't listen, you kept running. Until you ran into something or someone. Immediately you were grabbed in a headlock. "Hey man, thanks for catching her for us" a voice thanked whoever was holding you. "Don't think you're getting her, you're in my territory" the person holding you, who you recognised as Danny, said. "Aww, come on. We had to chase her for 30 minutes" "Yes, but I was the one who caught her. My catch, my prey" soon their words became hard to hear as you slowly slipped out of conscious.
*Time skip*
Am I... dead? Is this the other side? Wait... If I was dead, I wouldn't be able to think. Slowly, you stirred awake and cracked your eyes open. You were in your room. You groaned while sitting up, your body was aching. In the corner of your eye you noticed a figure sitting. You turned your gaze and found Danny, sleeping in a chair. Softly you giggled at him. He's asleep. Must have been tired. Wait... was he the one who saved me from the Legions? I'll thank him later. You quietly tried getting out of bed, but an itching sensation on your nose stopped you. You tried to stop yourself, but failed. "Achoo!" You sneezed into your sleeve. Your sneeze woke up Danny, he jumped from his seat and onto the floor. "Are you okay?" You asked, approaching him. "*yawn* Yeah, I'm fine" Danny replied, making you giggle. "The real question is: are YOU okay?" The boy added, standing up on his feet. "Yeah, I'm good" you answered, looking away. "Also, sorry for holding you in a headlock back there" Danny added. "It's okay. You had to do what you had to do" you said in a soft tone. "You did save me, right?" You added, curious. "Yes, I did. I couldn't let them harm you. I couldn't let them kill the only light I have in this hell" the male muttered the last part to himself in thought, but you heard it as well. "What do you mean 'the only light you have'?" You raised a brow. The male tensed up at your words, and the fact that you heard him, but soon relaxed. "Look, (Name). For the past 4 months, I've had these feelings for you, they make me feel warm and soft on the inside. I thought I was going insane, but that isn't the case. (Name), I... I really really like you". You were completely shocked by what you heard, but shock turned to joy. "Are you... serious? You're for real?" You asked, your mask covered your wide grin. Danny nodded, thinking you rejected him, but he was proven wrong when you hugged him tightly. "I really like you too" you exclaimed as Ghostface wrapped his arms around your waist. "Thank goodness, I thought you hated me" he sighed. "No, never" you replied while snuggling more into his arms. "Well, then, will you be my girlfriend?" He asked. "Yes, yes, I will" your answer made the killer the happiest man in a long time.

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