Heaven(Peaky Blinders-Michael Gray: Part 5)

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*Clara's pov*

It wasnt easy dealing with Michael being shot luckily he lived through the surgery but he would in the hospital for quite a while Thomas quickly set up protection...being home without him sucked Theo missed his father and I missed having him in bed...after making sure Theo was settled I went to see my husband I walked in seeing Polly and Michael talking "Oh I didn't know you were coming today I can wait..."

Polly shook her head "Nonsense I need to go anyways."

I nodded "Polly.."

She stood and pressed a kiss to my cheek "I'm so glad he has you...now tell me where is me grandson?"

I smiled softly "Home with the nanny and Isaiah...I think he would love a visit from grandma."

Polly smiled "Then that what I will do....make him forget about the business yeah."

I nodded "I will.."

She kissed my cheek and walked out

I nodded slowly sitting down "How you feeling?"

Michael sighed "Like I got shot...better question is why you're sitting so far from me."

I shook my head "You do realize you took 4 bullets."

He nodded "And I want to touch me bloody wife."

I sighed gently moving to sit on the side of the bed I leaned in pressing a kiss to his lips "Don't ever scare me like that again..I never want to feel the fear again."

Michael nodded "Mum said she had to force you to leave.."

I nodded "Well me husband was shot that was the only thing on my mind but Theo needed me too so I eventually went home."

He nodded "How is he?"

I smiled softly "He had decided he no longer likes to be carried he wants to walk...but he misses you...he looks for you first thing in the morning."

Michael sighed "I miss him too....what about you how are you doing?"

I sighed "Holding on...I'm helping at the shop again keeps my mind busy while Theo is with Charlie and Billy."

He nodded fiddling with my fingers "How is everyone else?"

I sighed "Coping with the loss of John and Esme leaving with the children."

Michael sighed deeply "I tried baby I did."

I shook my head "Don't you dare..."

He looked at me "If we had only been inside."

I sighed "I'm pregnant Michael."

Michael stopped "What?"

I smiled faintly "Theo is going to be a big brother."

He smiled "When?"

I smiled softly "Not very far but far enough for your mum to notice...doc says sometime this summer.."

Michael smiled "Well I guess that gives me one more thing to focus on."

A nurse walked in "Mr Gray it's time for your meds."

He nodded "Give us a minute."

I leaned down pressing a kiss to his lips "I'll come back tomorrow...I'll bring Theo when you're stronger."

Michael nodded "I love you.."

I smiled "I love you too...and listen to the nurses alright."

He nodded "I will..take care of our boy and yourself please."

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