*Sophie's pov*
Life was great I now had a little sister Ruby who was simply adorable...Bonnie and I were married in a very lavish gypsy ceremony it was honestly perfect...dad bought us a very nice house with plenty of land Aberama refused to move on the land despite how much we asked he said it was time for Bonnie to be his own man now that he was a husband...dad was now the Labour MP for Small Heath I was holding in a secret of my own after 9 months of marriage I was pregnant..dad was having his first party since he won...I found Bonnie in the bedroom getting ready "Hey.."
Bonnie looked up "Hey where did you go."
I walked over tying his tie "Went on a walk...I miss walking around Shelby manor."
He smiled "The gypsy runs deep in you love."
I nodded "I needed to clear my head."
Bonnie nodded placing his hand under my chin "Love what's the matter?"
I took a deep breath "I'm pregnant."
He froze slightly "Are you sure?"
I nodded "I saw a midwife."
Bonnie nodded "How far?"
I sighed "Far enough for me Aunt Pol to notice and take me to the midwife."
He smiled softly "I know me dad will be thrilled but how will your dad react his youngest isn't even a year old yet."
I shrugged "With me dad who know but what about you how are you feeling about this this is a huge thing Bonnie we aren't even 20 yet."
Bonnie smiled "I'm thrilled...look love your dad and Uncle John became fathers young I think we'll be just fine...plus we have a lot people to help us along the way."
I nodded "Okay."
He pressed a gentle kiss to my lips "We'll be okay love."
I smiled "Yeah.."
Bonnie smiled "By the way you look amazing."
I smiled "Thank you now finished getting ready."
He smiled "I am."
I smiled softly we were finally at the father's party...ruffling my little brother's hair as he ran pass me I decided I wanted to tell my dad while Bonnie told his then we would tell everyone else together..I found my dad talking to Johnny and Uncle Arthur "Daddy can we talk?"
Dad nodded "Of course..I'll be back boys.."
I followed my dad to his office closing the door "So there is something you need to know."
He raised an eyebrow "Don't tell me Bonnie has talked you into moving off?"
I shook my head "Of course not."
Dad nodded "Then what is it?"
I sighed softly "You're going to be a grandpa."
He stopped mid drink and looked at me "Seriously?"
I nodded "Yeah around March the midwife said.."
Dad pulled me into a hug "Make sure he has a proper name."
I nodded "Well if it's a boy I want to name him after Uncle John if it's a girl I want to name her after Grace."
He took my face in his hands "I think that's a perfect idea..come darling I'm sure Bonnie is wondering where you are."
I nodded and followed him out...I stood with Bonnie a permanent smile plastered on his face..I smiled softly feeling him press a kiss to my head
Dad spoke loudly "I was just told some incredible news...the Shelby Gold family is growing by one more...Bonnie and Sophie are having a baby!"

Peaky Blinders One Shots and Mini Stories
FanfictionOneshots and Mini Stories based around the show Peaky Blinders