Overprotective(Peaky Blinders-Shelby Brothers/Bonnie Gold: Part 2)

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*Elizabeth's pov*

As the years went on life seemed better Tommy was elected into parliament under Labour and the family was stronger than ever especially with mine and Bonnie's wedding a few months back which was quite the ordeal since Ada decided she was probably never getting married and Finn was still being Finn I was the baby so Tommy insured I had the wedding of my dreams but still stuck with our gypsy roots even getting us a nice big country home to grow into with plenty of land to hunt on...today we had a charity thing for the Grace Shelby Institute I could tell Bonnie was unsure about it...I found my husband sitting outside "Bonnie?"

Bonnie looked up "You look beautiful."

I smiled softly "Thank you...what's wrong?"

He sighed "I'm just worried.."

I nodded "You've been to one of these before."

Bonnie nodded "You weren't pregnant then...so yes love I'm a little worried."

I sat on his lap placing a hand on his cheek "Thus why you need to let me tell me brothers I understand the tales I really do but you want me safe telling them as crazy as I know they'll make me we'll be safe..in case you've forgotten they are a little over protective over me."

He sighed deeply "Didn't Grace get killed at one of these?"

I nodded "Which wasn't really anything Tommy did which made it so much worse but beside the point we're stronger now."

Bonnie flattened his hand across my stomach "I just..I can't lose you I don't even want to think about that at all."

I nodded "I'm not going anywhere."

He nodded "We'll tell them tonight."

I smiled softly getting up pulling him up "Come on love."

Bonnie pulled me back as he bent down pressing a kiss to my lips "I love you."

I smiled "I love you too."

He smiled leading me inside

Once at the hall I saw Karl "Well look at you."

Karl smiled "Aunt Elizabeth mum said I look like me dad."

I smiled "From what I remember you do."

He smiled "Really?"

I nodded "Yes.."

Ada walked up "Are you bugging your Aunt Elizabeth.."

I smiled "Oh he's fine."

She smiled "You look beautiful this dress is gorgeous."

I smiled "Thank you.."

Ada smiled "And Bonnie you look very handsome."

Bonnie smiled softly "She makes me look good."

I smiled "Ada find the others we need to talk."

She raised an eyebrow "Don't tell me you're moving away?"

I pulled her closer whispering "I'm pregnant."

Ada gasped "Oh my god congratulations guys.."

I smiled as she pulled me into a hug "Get the family but don't say a word."

She nodded and rushed off

I stood with Bonnie as the family gathered while the guest were in the ballroom..I smiled "I bet you're wondering why I ask Ada to bring you all in here well we've been keeping something in for a bit now and well its time to share."

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