*Ella's pov*
I lived a comfortable life my family has been life long friends with the Shelby family dating back to our grandparents my mum grew up with Polly and Arthur Sr...and became very close with Sr's wife...my brothers were very close with the Shelby boys naturally becoming Peaky Blinders which also meant not only was the only Shelby girl protected especially when it came to guys but that didn't stop me from falling in love with Polly's son Michael who I had not seen since I was 5 and he had returned to Small Heath...to Polly...we were great together we brought out the best in each other...I stuck by his side through it all from his first arrest, to him almost serving life for helping get Tommy's son Charlie back, to him being shot and almost dying I never faultered when it came to him...every thought we'd marry and start a family hell even I thought the same..that was until Tommy sent him to the States..the last night and morning he was in Birmingham we spent together alone in bed...I even drove him to the airport as much as I wanted to go I couldn't leave my work..for a little while we talked daily...7 weeks after he left I discovered I was pregnant but then the communication with is wasn't the same it was strained I kept trying eventually giving up Micheal and I were done...I focused on my work and my baby..Polly helped me a lot even insisting I moved out of my little apartment Michael and I once shared and in with her so she could help me with her grandchild since both my parents were now gone I agreed...months passed and I gave birth to a daughter Emily Anne Gray..who was Michael's twin...Polly was completely in love with this little girl the whole family was mine and the Shelby's especially Tommy...he doted on her as much as he did his own children...now it was nearing Emily's 1st birthday and I was called into a family meeting..here I sat taking in the news I was just given after 2 years Michael was coming back a man who I haven't spoken to in nearly just as long...I had no idea if Polly or the others ever told him about Emily I'm sure they had and he just didn't care.."I don't want to see him."
William my brother sighed "Ella..he's Emily's father."
I nodded "Trust me I'm fully aware of that...how many of you told him about Emily?"
He nodded "All of us have."
I nodded "And you know how many times since I'm sure he's known he has called to ask about her..none..not even once...he comes and wants to see her fine but I won't."
Jacob my other brother sighed "Ella..."
I sighed softly "He broke my heart he ended us I tried for months I got nothing...I won't stop him from being a father to Emily but I'm not part of that."
Polly sighed "Its your choice Ella."
I nodded slightly "Yeah.."
She kissed my head "I'm sorry love."
I nodded after everyone left I sat with Tommy "You know I never blamed you I understood why you sent him I just didn't expect him to drop me."
Tommy nodded "I have no excuses for him I don't know why he did it...but I swear to you we will keep protecting you and Emily you are family."
I nodded as I stood up "I know.."
He nodded "I'll keep him away from you if you want."
I sighed deeply "As much as I want to do that I can't we have a child together I'll have to do what's best for my daughter."
Tommy pressed a brotherly kissed to my forehead "Always so wise.."
I nodded "I gotta get Emily.."
He nodded "Be careful.."
I nodded and left..a few weeks passed and Michael was back in Birmingham I let Pol take Emily to see him and it seemd to be going well but today was different after picking Emily up she was asleep on my shoulder as I was unlocking the door I stopped opening the door as I heard my name..I turned my head to see Michael "What do you want?"

Peaky Blinders One Shots and Mini Stories
FanfictionOneshots and Mini Stories based around the show Peaky Blinders