CHAPTER 1: The Confrontation

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Two girls appear in a large, spacious room that was completely empty accept for the girls, of course. The room looked to be the size of a ware house, and had a huge, open door on one side. The girls were each in separate corners. One girl had eyes that are filled with flames, flickering, and hugging her pupils. The other girl had eyes that are filled with blue waves tumbling and crashing over each other. The girls were opposites, One had short, blond, wavy hair with red tips and the other had long, brown, curly hair with blue streaks throughout her hair. The blonde haired girl was named Amber and the brown haired girl was named Una. They had forgotten all of their old memories, which now, are replaced with fake ones. They start to look around and realize that they aren't alone.... Towards the middle of the room were two giant wolves with similar eyes to the girls.

The wolves snarl and sneer looking ready to attack, the girls exchange uneasy glances and their eyes light up with fire and water. Just as they looked back the wolves sprinted toward them. They girls scream, and charge toward them. The wolves whimper and the first wolf says, "No! Don't hurt us! We are here to help you."

"That's right." Explained the other wolf, "Think of us as your spiritual guide."

Just as Amber was about to say something smart and sarcastic, the wolves sprinted into the girls and were absorbed into their bodies.

After the confrontation with the wolves, the girls venture into the forest, "Well that was officially the weirdest thing I have ever experienced." Una stated with a sigh. "Yeah tell me about it." They run farther into the forest and find themselves face-to-face with lots of mutants and their Queen. The "Queen" floats over in her ghoulish way and towers over them. She speaks in a loud raspy voice.

"What are you doing in my forest?!"

"Uh I don't think someone can own the forest." Una said slow but with a little sass.

"Well I CAN!" The Monster shouted. Then she broke out in to a malicious scratchy laugh. Her voice seemed to inflict a shift throughout the entire forest.

"Well I think its best we be going...." Amber explained as the two girls started to walk away, "We uh, have better things to do in our lives then dealing with some monster." Amber finished with a smirk.

"Guards! Stop those imposters!" The Queen shouted so loud her face turned a cherry red.

"Run!" Una yelled.

They both dart towards a small but beautiful sparkling lake, which looked like a gorgeous desert oasis. The lake had a small, narrow, wooded bridge crossing over the center; there were also lots of tiny fish swimming and jumping over the lily pads. All of a sudden, Amber collapses by the inviting looking little lake and her fiery eyes slowly disappeared into a blank sleepy state. Then the same happens to Una, and her eyes go blank.

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The two girls awake in a bright room. As their eyes adjust they realize they are strapped tightly to observation tables. As they try to break free of the restraints, Una whispers barely audible,

"We need to get outta here."

"You two aren't going anywhere." Shouted a somewhat calm but sly, booming voice.

It was the Queen. But she didn't look like a monster, instead she looked like a woman. She had a black lab coat with dark green eyes that lit up her boney face, and her hair was straight and sliver sticking out like she had recently been electrocuted.

She starts pacing around the tables with a smirk on her face.

"Oh don't worry, you're safe now..."

"NO ONE'S SAFE YOU UGLY MONSTER!!!" Amber screams. With a flick of the Queen's wrist a little spark comes from Amber and she passes out.

"Why didn't she burst into flames, she could have teleported out of here..." Una mumbles to herself.

"Who are you!" Una demands, water starts swirling around the water queen as she was preparing to create a powerful tsunami on the Queen.

"Who am I? Who am I!!?? I AM THE QUEEN!" roared the hidden demon.

"And you two are my loyal subjects who will help me to defeat the good side!"

"So... you're the bad side?" Una challenges, "and you want us, people on the good side, to use our powers and basically defeat ourselves?"

"Oh no, it's much MUCH worse." She said with an evil grin.

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