Chapter 8 - Trustworthy

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I started to back away from Coen, if that was his real name

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I started to back away from Coen, if that was his real name. Was he working for the other side? Just in case he attacks me after I ask if he works for the other side, I decided that I should be closer to the entrance of the cave if I need to run.

"Why are you doing that?" He sounds confused and a little angry.

"Doing what?" I ask although I obviously already know the answer, just need to buy time. Wow. I would be a shit spy.

"Backing away from me like that. I already told you that I'm meant to protect you, is this because you don't trust me because I'm a demon?" He adds sadly, it's obvious that he doesn't enjoy being feared or constantly under danger. No one should. I kind of want to hug him but this could just be a guilt trick.

"How can you prove that you're trustworthy, you arrived out the front of my house right before my Dad went missing and all this shit happened. Why did you have to pretend to shoot me in that fish place? I'll believe you after you can somehow prove to me that you're not working for the other side." He looked lost for words.

"How can I prove to you that I'm on your side? Plus the only reason I pretended to shoot you was so that the lady wouldn't do anything spastic if she thought you would be hurt. Afterall she was meant to escort you to her boss who would make the big decisions about you from there." This makes sense but I still don't know if he's telling the truth, I'm sure I sound super annoying right now but try put yourself in my shoes.

"I will know that I can trust you... if you tell me where my Dad is. With evidence." I challenge him, knowing that he already told me that he doesn't know.

"I... I don't know, honestly Kyra. I have no idea where he is or what state he's in. Please give me another option to prove myself, I'll try my best." He seems sincere so I decide he should give a second chance.

"How do you think you can prove yourself?" At the moment I sound wise and shit but really I've run out of ideas so he can prove himself.

He considers the ideas for a while before coming up with his own way to prove himself, he looks up at me then says for me to stand near the cliff. Obviously with me not trusting him at the moment I'm yelling WHAT THE FUCK in my head. But I've trusted him with my life in the past so I just grab onto his arm (extremely tightly, I might add) and drag him over to the cliff where he told me to stand at. If I go down he goes down too.

"I need at least one of my arms to perform magic, you know." He says, slightly amused and smirking.

"Fine." I let go of one of his arms then he moved his hand around in the air like his turning a doorknob but with his palm facing upwards (did you just try that?).

A chunk of rock (boulder sized) from the opposite cliff face starts hovering closer to the river of souls in the ravine below. Now Coen flicked his index finger upwards quickly another boulder soars out of the cave as fast as a bullet, it landed a few inches from where my elbow is just now.

"Touch it." Coen says half forcefully.

"What?!" I reply in disbelief, how is this proving anything?

"Touch it." He repeated this time with more patience.

"Why? For all I know you could be about to kill me." I don't know if I should trust him.

"Touch it, if you don't die then you will know that you can trust me with your life, if you do die then well... " He trails off.

"If you touch it it should connect you psychically to me, you can tell if I'm telling the truth for the next day or so then it'll wear off." Ok. That's pretty cool.

I'm stuck between the decisions of touching it or not. I've trusted Coen before and so I should be able to trust him now. But what if he was just acting? Why the fuck is this dipshit making this so hard! I decide I should touch it because I have nothing to lose, I don't know how to get out of this place and even if I do get back the police, gaol is the only thing waiting for me.

I press my lukewarm hand onto the jagged, frigid boulder. I wait for something to happen but nothing does. So I just turn to my newly define trustworthy Coen and am about to slap him for being a dickhead and faking it but I can't remove my hand from the boulder. What now.

"Coen, is this supposed to happen?" I ask, hey, maybe it wasn't supposed to happen.

"Yes." Coen says simply and I know he was telling the truth.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter, just to clear things up Kyra's connected to Coen psychically so she can tell if he's lying or not for the next day. But after then it wears off so the rest of the story after that there's no telling if he's lying. So yeah... Please vote and comment :3

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