Chapter 15 - Arse

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The guy above is meant to be Kyra's brother but you can imagine who ever you want though. This pic is just one of the first pics that came up when I searched 'guy with freckles'.

"Ok, so the first thing to remember about conjuring a light orb is to hold your hand in the correct position. Like this." My brother taught me, he positioned his fingers in the shape of a bowl roughly.

"I was taught to do it like this." Coen intervened, holding his hand in a slightly different position to Tyler.

"Um... I think I'll teach Kyra my way first then if it doesn't work for her then we can try your way. Kay?" He smiled politely.

"Fine." Coen sulks he's been like this since when my brother first arrived, I thought he was more welcoming and open. Tsk tsk.

I had been practising controlling my magic for over a week now and am really getting the hang of it. From experience (I sound so smart and wise and shit) I have seen that the way I position and cast the spells is different for me compared to everyone else.

I tried holding my hand in the position that Tyler showed me but nothing happened so I tried Coen's way. Still nothing. I tried moving my thumb to meet my pointy finger then an orb of light flickered into life above my head. Ha, so neither guys were right.

"See, she used my technique." Coen sassed if you're going to be a bitch at least do it right. Dumb shit.

"Coen, can I talk to you?" I asked tilting my head in the direction of the tent.

"Kay," Coen says dully, he was probably expecting it with all of his snide remarks lately.

"Do you not trust Tyler?" I ask trying to get his eyes to meet mine.

"Well, it's not really in my nature to trust. Seeing as I'm a demon and shit." He says not meeting my eyes.

"Coen, please don't use being a demon as an excuse I trust you with my life. Don't you trust me?" And it was true, I have put my life fully in his hands so many times.

"As far as I understand trust, yes I trust you but I need more evidence to trust Tyler. I'm sorry but I don't soften towards people as easily as you." He finally meets my eyes.

"Is there anything in particular that makes you distrust him? We will work together to know and trust him more but please give him a chance."

"Thanks and if you take a closer look at his tattoos there's one of 2 blades crossing each other with squiggly lines lengthways on them, that's the sign of the secret demon organisation Arsenal." I snorted.

"What?" He face was so perplexed it was hilarious.

"You said arse." I giggled, I know I'm really immature.

"Wow, good to know you're not going to stay angry at me." He smiled, throwing his arm around me and steering me towards the couch.

"So back on the serious note, what's this about this Arsenal demon thingy?" I ask.

"Well you know that demons can shapeshift, some try to gather information from threats or even still friends while posing as someone close, like Tyler. I'm not saying that he's part of some illegal organisation but it's not a wise idea to confront him about his tattoo or shit will go down."

"Fuck that's a lot, what do you suggest I do?" I ask, his eyes widen for a sec.

"What?" I ask.

"Nothing, It's just no one's ever cared about my opinion before." He says looking at his bare feet, he doesn't like wearing shoes as they 'feel like they're restricting my senses'.

I pull up his arm around my shoulders and squeeze his hand. He needs to know that people are there for him, something I need too.

"Coen, you know I care about you and I'm sure you feel the same way about me so if you're feeling down about something please talk to me. Trust me, keeping it in doesn't help I of all people should know that." I hug him and he actually hugs my back.

"The best thing to do would be to just keep an eye on him, I'll try to be more welcoming though."

"Thanks." I beam at him, we are definitely making progress today.

"I think we've left Tyler waiting outside long enough, shall we?" He raises and holds out his hand.

"We shall." I grab his hand and we walk out of the tent linking arms like little kids.

Hope you enjoyed!

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