Chapter 17 - Gaol (Jail)

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I wake up to a feeling in my thigh of a gunshot with salt rubbed into the wound

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I wake up to a feeling in my thigh of a gunshot with salt rubbed into the wound. In other words, my thigh had been shot, I was suffering from blood loss and the wound was infected although I was in what seems to be a gaol cell.


I take a look at my wound, it's wrapped in a bandage and I assume it's stitched up because the bandage isn't soaked yet. At least someone took the time to help me after all the pain I caused in the first place. All the death.

I should find Tyler or Coen to find a way out of here together, although we're fighting we don't leave each other behind (wow that sounded really corny). Anyway, I go to the cafeteria where Tyler and Coen will be waiting for me if they don't want their necks snapped. I walk to the cafeteria and look around, only Tyler's there.

"Thank god you're finally awake." His face lights up when we sees me.

"Well, I was fucking shot." I gesture towards my thigh, of course then it decides to start bleeding more, "Where's Coen?"

"I thought you knew where he was," Tyler said.

"Well, I'm going back to my cell before I get bashed or something. Don't want these stitched reopening." I try not to limb as I make my way back my cell. And trust me, it's not as good as it sounds. I get catcalled a few times followed by a few kicks and punches. Thank god there's no one to share my cell with for now.

"Kyra, can you hear me?" I whip my head around to be faced with a holographic version of Coen.

"What the fuck?"

"Ok so... I just wanted you to know that it wasn't meant to be you, just Tyler. Or if that's even his name."

"What do you mean?" I ask him slowly.

"The police, I called them. But don't get angry at me though because I saw Tyler talking to someone over a conference spell like we're doing now. I think it was the other arsenal demons or maybe he was repor-"

"COEN FUCKING STOP!" I interrupt him and some of my fellow prisoners peek through my cell's bars, thank god they can't see magic.

"Are you saying that you betrayed Tyler and that got me in gaol too?" I say quieter but just as vicious.

Coen doesn't know what to do but nod and hang his head.

"You didn't even tell me what you were doing. It could have been something innocent and this whole situation wouldn't have happened. You risked betraying my trust just to get Tyler in gaol, your ego was more to you than our relationship." I will the magical hologram to end with a swish of my hand.

Coens POV

Why had I thought only about myself, what about Kyra? What about everything we had and could have had? I had ruined everything again

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Why had I thought only about myself, what about Kyra? What about everything we had and could have had? I had ruined everything again. It feels like everything I touch imploded on itself. I open my phone and look at the photo I was set as my home screen: the single photo I had to Kyra with her mouth full of the burger we had when we first started really talking.

I had never cried over anything is such a long time but now I feel like I could cry for a thousand years and given the type of creature I am, that would be completely possible. The tears start falling without me even knowing, I curl up beside a rock and cry to myself. There's nothing that can mend our relationship now, even if we try to act normal deep inside we both know that trust had been betrayed. I scream at the top of my lungs willing all of the emotions built up inside me to disappear into the atmosphere.

"Coen. I know you're there. Mistress needs your help." I could hear someone in the distance calling my name but frankly, I needed more alone time, I was not in the mood for the Devil tonight.

"Coen if you don't come willingly I'm sure she'll be more than happy to force you to help someone complete their greatest desires." If I go now, there's no way that I will be able to use the conference spell again with Kyra, she won't let me. But if I stay maybe I'll call her back to amend things before she thinks about to fully first.

"Coen for goodness sake, get your arse over here." I get up and leave, she's never going to talk to me again after what I did.

A demons work is never done.

Kyra's POV

If I spend at least a day here I can learn the ins and outs of the cameras, therefore, escaping the gaol without being recorded doing magic while being recorded on a camera. I've thought it through and I'm done with Coen and his stupid mind games, I'm cutting myself free of that from now on. I'm above him. I'm the devil's daughter for goodness sake.

But he was my friends and maybe more so I should at least leave him with an explanation to contemplate and cry over. If I'm sounding mean, it's because he sold me out first, left me to go to gaol and die a slow death alone. He brought this on himself.

Dear C,

I've decided we shouldn't see each other again, for both your good and my good. When I first met you I really liked you even if you couldn't see it and that I didn't know it either. Our relationship blossomed into something possibly more than a friendship but we'll never know to what extent. You broke my heart and this isn't going to be like the typical 'now you will pay' because you did what you thought was the right thing but the main reason is that our morals don't match up. If we were to keep going on together, at some point if the journey you would do something against my morals or I would do something against your morals so this would never work. Thank you for being my friend.


I used my newly learnt magic skills to transport the letter where he had been when he talked with me. Only I didn't know that he would never read that letter, he somewhere else working for the devil. 

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