Chapter 20 - Bye Coen

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Coen's eyes look dead as soon as the knife pierces through his brain. Tyler's knife. Coen's body lies limp, hidden behind the bush out the front of my motel window. Tyler looks shocked but walks inside presumably coming to find me but I throw open the window and jump down beside Coen's dead body before Tyler can reach me.

I levitate Coen's body and run away with it into the forest where he will receive a proper burial without Tyler near. I don't know who to trust from now on, I have questions for Tyler and he will answer them after I've had some time to mourn Coen's death. It's only after I've been running for about 2 minutes when I see a trail of blood behind me.

I quickly dart into the forest where it's less likely to stain, I stop after 4 minutes of running away from that where Coen was stabbed. I drop Coen's body into my lap and try my hardest not to cry too loudly. I hug him, trying to savour the last warmth left coming from his blood, the smell of him, the way his hair sits up at random different angles.

Tears spill from my eyes, falling onto his greying face that once used to be filled with colour and happiness. I shut his eyes and as soon as I do, his soul rises from his body. It cups it's hands to my cheeks and kisses my lips but I can only feel a cold breeze.

"Sorry." His last word hangs in the air.

I try to hug him back but my arms only go through the mist-like substance and he fades away. I freeze there and break down, I start staking all over and leaning over his body, clinging onto it for the life of me because he has no life in himself. Lucky I'm sitting on the ground because if I was standing up I would have collapsed like his body did when Tyler threw that knife at him.Tyler.

He will pay for this.

I slowly get up and dig a hole in the soft soil near a lush green tree, it stands compared to all of the other dull looking trees in the area. Just like how Coen stood out from everyone else I've ever seen. It's only now that I really understand how much I liked and needed him. Till death do us part, I guess, because let's be honest with ourselves. I would have forgiven Coen eventually and we could have at least been on speaking terms until it blossomed into our old relationship. But Tyler took that away from us, not we will not be able to talk again.

I look at the hole I have been digging without really thinking about what I was doing, it was about 4 feet deep so definitely deep enough. I pick up his limp body, cold body and place it carefully into its grave. I fill the hole with the soil what I dug out the hole and pray to God (which frankly I don't know if he's real) that Coen will have a calm afterlife, hopefully, nothing too strenuous, he deserves relaxation.

After I finish making Coen's grave decorated and looking standard, I decided to go find Tyler. He better have a fucking good reason for killing Coen or he will die slowly and painfully, envolving bamboo sticks and a switchblade.

I stalk home and realise that it must be around 9 pm by now, the neighbourhood is quiet and either getting ready to sleep of sleeping already. I feel bad for the screams they will hear in under 5 minutes. What types of nightmares will the children be having tonight?

When I finally reach the motel I try to act civil and knock at the door, when Tyler opens the door her swings a baseball bat at me. Right. At. My. Face. I swiftly grab the bat and throw it out of the way, this is between me and him, no weapons allowed. I bring him into a headlock but don't break his windpipes only because he needs to tell me why the fuck this all happened.

"Stop, please. I'll tell you anything you want." His voice is very breathy, shallow breathing.

I release him but ake his arm and position it so it will break is he moves.

"Why did you kill Coen?" I ask him, it's the obvious question.

"I thought he was here to kill you. It was self-defence." Not good enough.

"What made you think that he was going to kill me?" I ask.

"He just seems like a shady character." What's the real reason?

"I know that you're avoiding the actual answer. What's the real reason you killed him?" This will be interesting.

"I told you, it was self-defence for both my safety and your safety." I don't believe him, I try to look into his eyes and see his memories like I did with that school bully. But I can't find anything."I know that isn't the real reason if you ever find your balls and want to tell me it better be through a messenger." I walk away, going to find somewhere new to stay, far away from liars and killers.

Literally, the only place that covers me from England's frigid night is under a bridge. There's a small alcove area which shields me from sight, the wind and snow which is pretty perfect. I light a magical fire that will keep me warm for the time being and try a few protection spells that will keep me safe for when I sleep.

I awaken be a face only millimetres away from mine. The eyes of the Devil.

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