Chapter 19 - Back to school

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Trust me, this chapter will not end like you think it will.

After my last encounter with Coen, I'm growing increasingly afraid that one time I may not be able to control the goring urge to kill someone. Someone that may be more or less innocent.

"Kyra, I think it's time to move. The police are closing in." Tyler snaps me out of my thoughts.

"To England?" I grab his hand.

"To England." Tyler and I close our eyes for one second and then the next second our senses were overwhelmed with the chilling wind of England.

"Holy fuck it's cold." Tyler shivers.

"For some reason, I think that we're not going to be able to camp out this time." I nudge him playfully.

<<< - they have found a cheap motel to stay at and now it's the week later when blending in means going to school again.

"Does this scream 'emo kid, don't talk to me.?'" I look at myself in the mirror, I'm wearing a black jumper with my hood over my head and black leggings.

"Extremely loudly." He approves. He's wearing a black trench coat, not suspicious at all.

We teleport just outside of my new school down an alleyway, say our goodbyes and our good lucks. Tyler's just going to stay at the motel and figure out what to do with his life but I have to go to school for goodness sakes. I swear school kids should get paid to go to school, there would be a lot fewer kids skipping class.

I inhale and exhale quickly before stepping through the gates of my new school. It reminds me of my old school so much that I think I might vomit, which is crazy seeing that this school is on the whole other side of the world. Don't get me wrong, my last school was where both of the murders I've committed were situated.

I walk through the halls with a new found confidence, I know I was bullied at my old school but no one can touch me now.

Someone smacks my arse, "nice arse new girl." Says some kid with a pretend deep voice, his friends laugh.

I death glare at him, break in and out then continue walking. Trying to ignore them. But he follows me.

He smacks my arse again, "you doing anything after school? No? Good, you can do me." That is the lamest pickup line (A/N yes I made it up myself and no I'm not dating anyone). A crowd begins to gather around us.

I grab his wrist and squeeze it as hard as I can, I'm rewarded with hearing a couple cracks.

"Don't touch me, cunt." I glare straight into his soul. I feel the urge for death get notably stronger but I force it back down. At least there's something good coming out of it, I found out I have a new power - I can see people's memories.

"And just remember if you do touch me, I'll tell your Mum and she won't kiss you to sleep tonight. Won't wrap you up in your snuggly little starry blanket." I squish his cheeks and walk away like a boss.

"Did you see her eyes turn red or is that just me?" Mr cunt face tries to turn the attention off himself.

"Man, does your mum still kiss you to sleep?" His friends laugh their heads off. And my job is done.

I pull my hood up over my head and try to keep low but everyone's whispering and staring at me, calling me the new emo kid but it's better than 'nice arse' so I'll deal with it. Hopefully, this will all blow over within a few days.


School's just as boring as a remember it, except I did love the new English accents and I didn't have to beat up anyone so that's good. I walk back to the motel quickly to get away from the coldness in the air and the feeling that someone's watching me. I walk through the door and slam it shut before the warm air from inside leaks out, I can smell some potatoes boiling inside on the stove. Finally a normal meal for dinner.

"How was school today?" Tyler acts like a housewife - stirring the potatoes, fluttering his eyelashes and... oh god... he has an apron is that had abs printed to it, it says 'kiss the chef'.

"... Uneventful." I decide to not mention the incident with cunt face, I go and kiss him on the cheek. (A/N And no, fucking hell, this is not incest or anything - just in case there are comments.)

I walk down to my room and stare out of the window for a bit and just think to myself. I wonder how Coen's doing out there, he's probably killing someone for work or something. No. I should think about him, just focus on myself, Tyler and what's going to happen next.

I stop stare outside for a minute and look at the bush right next to my window. Guess who's staring right back at me? Coen of course. He looks like he's trying to frantically whisper something to me, pointing to the kitchen where Tyler is and pretending to cut his throat with his finger. Is he trying to say that Tyler, him or I am going to die?

Before I have a chance to open the window and listen to what he's trying to say, Tyler steps out the front of the porch, Coen stares at me with sad and wounded eyes. Tyler aims his knife at Coen and throws it at hard and swiftly as he can. Coen stares at me, but now a knife pierces in his skull.

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