Dance with me.

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WARNINGS: None. Just a cute moment for the next imagine that will get steamy.

I was completely and utterly drunk off my ass, being the drinking buddy of Hank Anderson would eventually be the death of me and I was more than happy to continue with it. Hank was my partner at the DPD, even after Connor came into the picture. The android had never taken my job from me even though that's what Gavin Reed kept telling me over and over again.

Connor was the sweetest android I had ever met, and not to mention the cutest. When I was sober, I knew not to act unprofessional with the RK800, but when I was off my tits with alcohol, like now, I just couldn't help but keep giggling in his presence.

Hank was sat at the table with his head against the cold wood and a bottle of Jack in his hand as I danced across the room drunkenly, tripping on my own two feet every now and again. The music from Hank's old stereo was loud enough to block out the sound of the doorbell, but the sound of Sumo's barking signalled that there was someone at the door.

I continued to dance along to the beat, swaying ever so slightly as I opened the front door to reveal the one android I was just thinking about.

"Hello, [y/n]. I detect a large amount of alcohol coursing through your blood stream. Perhaps you should drink some water to sober up?" He greeted in his platonic tone. I let a drunk and dopey smile crawl across my lips as I grabbed his hands and pulled him in the house and into the kitchen.

"Connor, come dance with me!" I giggled, trying to get him to dance by swaying his arms with mine. He looked down at our conjoined hands with furrowed brows, his LED turning yellow as he thought. When it went back to a light blue, he pulled his hands away, causing me to pout.

"I can't, [y/n]. I'm here to retrieve the Lieutenant." Connor replied, frowning slightly when he realised Hank was passed out on the table and that he wouldn't be able to wake him up in this state.

I grabbed his hands again, pulling him closer until he was just a couple steps away from me. "C'mon, Connor, it'll be fun! Stop being a pansy and dance with me." I lifted up his arm and twirled underneath it.

"Sorry, [y/n], but I don't know how to dance." He confessed, his LED once again turning yellow.

I grinned and moved closer until we were just a breath away from each other and suddenly I was a lot more sober, "It's simple. You place your hands on my hips and I will rest mine on your shoulders."

He followed my instructions, wrapping me in his embrace but still a dignified distance away. Connor then looked at me for the next instruction. 

I smiled at him, "And now, we sway to the music. No matter what your programming tells you, don't count steps. Just do what you feel, in here." I placed my hand over his chest where his synthetic heart was. 

Going with it, Connor wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me closer, I found myself leaning against his chest and listening as his regulator pumped Thirium around his body. He had his chin resting on the top of my head as we slow danced for what seemed like hours, but in reality was only several minutes. I could feel my heart thumping loudly in my ears every time he tightened his grip.

I felt him lift his head so I looked up at him, only to see him peering down at me. His face was unreadable, but his flashing dark yellow LED was a dead giveaway. He was confused.

"What's wrong, Connor?" I asked, pulling away from him slightly to get a better look a his face.

"I-I feel strange." He stuttered. If there's one thing I knew, it was that Connor never stuttered.


"I feel...warm and...fuzzy, like my circuits are overheating. Why- why am I feeling this way, [y/n]?" Connor voiced, looking into my eyes as if I had all the answers in the universe.

"Probably for the same reason I am." I said to him, my hands travelling up to rest on his cheeks that were slowly turning a light shade of blue.

"You feel it too?"

"Of course. How could I not? You're adorable, Connor." Apparently the alcohol was still in my system because I did not mean to call him adorable to his face.

"May I ask you a question?" Connor addressed me.

"You may, Connor."

"How does one pursue these...feelings?" His cheeks were growing darker as he waited for me to answer him, but I didn't know how to reply. I mulled it over in my head, but I couldn't think of anything except kissing him. 

So that's what I did.

I grasped the back of his neck and pulled his face closer to mine until our lips were slightly touching. "Like this."

Cautiously, I pressed my lips against his, his body had went completely still like he was unable to process what was happening. I kept my lips where they were, determined to get him to kiss back and after finally closing his eyes, he wrapped his arms around me again and kissed back. We began to sway in our spot, enjoying each other's embrace as we kissed. Not even caring that Hank had woke up and began swearing at us.

"Get a fucking room. I swear, I work with fucking teenagers." Hank grumbled, walking out of the kitchen.

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