Come Dance With Me

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Another day had gone by since the android revolution. No human has ever thought as androids to be something more than tools to complete their purpose. It truly had been life changing, and surely would be remembered in history for centuries to come; but it did not stop humans nor androids to cause crime.

That's when you and a certain android - along with a surprisingly sober geezer - jump in. You, Connor, and your father-figure Hank, had worked hard these past few months. It would have been at least nice to have a break, but the revolution didn't solve everything; not that it would have anyway. There is no such thing as a permanent happy ending, after all.

Well, at least to you, you believed in it.

As days past, you watched androids and humans bond together as equals - some even having romantic relationships with one another. It made you wonder about the brunette cartoon boy you had coincidentally been staring at,  whether - despite being a full deviant - he had pondered more of human emotions, other than the simplest expressions like excitement or fear.

You sighed, almost in a half dreamy, half tired way. In all truth, you liked Connor (who wouldn't anyway?), but you did not want to push him into anything he deemed dangerous. You were afraid that his LED would be red out of panic, or if he had started to overheat, so you kept your distance.

Until now.

"Hey, you gonna drool over him or talk? I made the effort in actually cleaning today so don't fuck it up," Hank groaned in annoyance, sitting on the couch of his estate.

It was true. He did clean, without any help of Connor. As his partner in crime, you watched him become a man who no longer had the need to drink to oblivion and pull a gun to his head each night. He became a man who had hope again.

His snarky comeback made you smile, and you leaped up from your chair to give him a pat on the head. It was something you liked to do, and he had always hated it because it made him feel small. He'd even give death threats and throw daggers, but now it seems that the infinite amount of times you have done that, he just does not give a damn anymore.

Rumours have it that he actually enjoys your company and your strange way of showing affection.

But alas, it's only a mere rumour.

Or is it?

"I hope your hand was clean when you touched my head, or else," he mumbled as he scanned over the newspaper in his hands.

"Of course, of course," you laughed, plopping your chin on the top of his head this time, reading the newspaper as well in curiosity.

You could hear a small scoff, which came out as a breathless laugh, coming from Hank which made you chuckle.

"You freak," you heard him say, making you laugh more.

"Love you too, dad," you spoke as you leaned back up before he turned to scold you, but you had already ran off to the other side of the room, where Connor had knelt down to Sumo, giving him the rub of his life.

Now, it's strange to think that three cops - probably the best in Detroit, naturally - are hanging around lazily in Hank's home. Well, some people need rest, don't they? And the numbers of cases they had completed over the course of these short months had given them a heartfelt vacation. Not to mention that it had been Connor's birthday.

Now you're probably thinking; how does an android have a birthday? Well, it's simple. With some research, the first launch of the model RK800 #313 248 317 - 60, just so happened to be the day the trio earned their day off.

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