Drawing Whatever is Aesthetically Pleasing

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It was the same ol' work day at the DPD.

In the background from your little peace of mind, the station seemed to be in a frenzy. Gavin being Gavin, had once again teased the poor brunette boy. Hank noticed and scoffed, most likely directed to Gavin, as you too, had done the same. You swore, the next time he hurt Connor in a way, you were going to lose it.

Something in you made you feel protective around Connor. Not in a weird, possessive way, but more in like of a mothers instinct. You are fully aware that he is more than capable of handling any danger directed at him. Hell, he has quick senses that get him out of the toughest of situations. Connor didn't need any help, but still, you wanted to in any way possible. If it even was possible.

After the little fiasco with Gavin, you looked up from your desk to watch the said boy stare off in confusion. It made your lips crack upward. The subtle innocence and curiosity plastered on his artificial skin made you want to chuckle each time. Perhaps it was that he had been an android in a body of a man, with the curiosity of a little toddler, but with the abilities to kill a man in a split second if desired so.

That combination makes no sense, and yet it is what it is in a form of a body, with the name of Connor.

You shake your head to clear off anymore thoughts of the boy. There was no point in lying that you had feelings for him. It was so obvious to the point that you had begun drawing him.

Your hand would draw page after page of him, sketching his features carefully and adding the tiniest of details such as his freckles - or as you like to call it - stars of a persons face.

Okay, perhaps your little crush had been something more than you thought. Even Hank, being the drunkest of the drunk, could figure out your little situation with his partner.

What could you do? It wasn't your fault CyberLife created a model so perfect and beautiful, yet flawed and sometimes a little scary. And it certainly was not your choice to fall for the boy. Never in your life would you have imagined to have liked - or hell - even love an android.

An android, for heavens sake.

The idea itself is baffling, though you have to wonder there are probably more people than you can count who would do it with an android.

Not to mention, you would never imagine in your life that perhaps in a little drop of hope in your love life that he, too, might have the slightest interest in you.

Well, good news.

He did.

Connor did find you quite an interesting person, but in a romantic sense? He was not so sure.

At times when he did catch an eye from you, his chest would feel a little funny. He'd check over his systems and run analysis within his programming, only to find no issues whatsoever. He would feel the thirium pump regulator beat faster, and his optical units would dart all over in a chance to escape your stare.

You did something to him, and he wanted to know what.

Connor straightened his tie and went for it. You hadn't even noticed his presence when he approached you. Drawing anything that peaked your creativity, or anything you found wildly wonderful (as in this case, the beautiful boy Connor), your attention span decreased extremely.

It had been so severe that you didn't even notice the eyes scanning your page from behind, admiring your hand and each stroke you took to draw each feature.

A small smile grew onto his lips, admiring your frustration when you erased his jawline or eyes over and over, to prefect it as it was in real life. Something inside him made him feel fuzzy. If only he could ask you all about it, but he didn't want to ruin your focus.

"Jesus, Connor, you look like a creep," your head jerked up in curiosity as Hank's groaning. At first you were confused, wondering where Connor had been as you glanced to the opposite side, until turning the other to come face to torso with him.

"Oh, hell!" you squeaked, putting a hand over your chest to suppress your little heart attack.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to startle you," Connor spoke sweetly, "I was admiring your artistic abilities. You're very skilled."

"O-Oh, so you saw," you pursed your lips, feeling your cheeks burn up.

"Was I not supposed to?" he tilted his head in the cute way he does. You swear, if you get a dollar for everytime you die on the inside from cuteness, you would be a millionaire.

"I mean, no, but now that you have seen it, there's no point in hiding it now, is there?" you gave a shy smile. On the inside you were more than happy for him to have seen it, though you were still a little embarrassed. Hopefully he hasn't seen the other drawings which are just of him as a chibi or with cat ears.

No NSFW or anything, however.

Ya' nasty.

"Then, may I see the rest?" Connor asked, leaning slightly over in curiosity. From your view he looked like he was hovering over you, which you thought for sure you could die at any moment.

How dare CyberLife make such a cutie patootie?

"Um, I guess so, sure," you gave your small sketchbook to the palm of his hands, looking up at him to see his reactions.

His face was plain yet focused, as if taking in each photo and memorizing them. They were drawings you made of him, so to him he needed to treasure that as much as he can. He's never seen someone draw a sketch of him before, so in each page he turned warmed his bio-components a little.

That was, until, he found a peculiar drawing.

"This is different from the others and I'm not sure that I understand the context..." Connor spoke with an innocent confusion as he lowered the book to your level.

You nearly choked on air.

You had completely forgot about this one particular drawing. It had been of Connor having a lick of evidence with a screaming, cartoonish Hank in the background.

Connor didn't understand memes.

"Oh, that," you held in a laugh, "It's because Hank is disgusted with you putting evidence in your mouth. It's what people call a meme, but this is... meh."

"A meme? That's not in my software," Connor furrowed his brows, handing your sketchbook back, "It's a wonderful drawing, however. May I ask why 78 pages - front to back - are of drawings of me?"

"Y-You counted, huh?" you choked back, confused whether to laugh or die in embarrassment, "It's not my fault CyberLife made you look so cute, I just couldn't resist."

"You find me... cute?" he tilts his head, as if he just couldn't just get any more cuter, can he?

"Y-Yes," you coughed, "Yes, you do. It's a little unfair, to be honest."

"How so?"

"Well, for one, it's hard to get any work done. You're so cute, that I was supposed to finish these files rather than draw sketches of you," you huffed.

"I could say the same," Connor replied, leaning back with a soft smile.

You raise a brow, "How?"

"You're quite cute, too."

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