date (the chase final part)

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Chaeyoung:Where are we going, Rosè asked after class and Shawn feels like bursting from excitement.
Shawn:I'm not telling you, it's a surprise, he smirks.
Chaeyoung:I don't like surprises.
Shawn:You will like this one, at least i hope so, he said laughing.
She shakes her head at him chewing on her bottom lip.
Chaeyoung:Fine, tell me what should i wear, something formal? Casual?
Shawn:Oh something casual definitely, Shawn replied with a smile, something you can ride a bike in.
She raises her eyebrows at him "Okaaay.."
Shawn:I'll pick you up at five, he said cherfully giving her another of his charming smiles and she smiles back before they go into opposite directions.
It gets hard to breathe as he sees her coming down the stairs of her dorm building.She is wearing a beautiful white top with lace details and jeans that make her curves look really good.
They walk over to her bike and Shawn gets on his.
She follows him and they cycle through the forest nearby.He looks over his shoulder to make sure she's still following him and excitement is bubbling up in his stomach as she catches his gaze, blushing a little.
He stops as he reaches the little pond, his favorite place to hide and he gets off his bike.
Chaeyoung:So this is where you take girls?
Shawn:No...only you he replies with a smirk, taking her hand to help her climb over a trunk that has fallen down.He wraps his arms around her waist, helping her down and as she places her hands on his shoulders she feels the tingling feeling again.
They look into each other's eyes for a little bit until he smiles, nodding over at the pond.
Shawn:Wanna go for a swim?
Chaeyoung:Um.. no?i didn't bring my bikini
Shawn:Underwear will do, c'mon.
Chaeyoung:Omg , did you bring me here to see me in my underwear?
Shawn blushes taking off his shirt.
Shawn:No, but it's a hot summer day, thought you'd like to go swimming.
He unbuckles his belt and she stares at his beautiful hands.He is on his boxers and she stares at him, he is so good looking it makes her chest ache and she chews on her bottom lip as he steps closer.
Shawn:Let's go! He chuckles and he runs jumping into the pod.
Shawn:Come heree! He says gesturing at her to jump but she shakes her head.
Chaeyoung:No waay, she laughs but she is pulling her top over her head, leaving her in her bra.
Shawn:Now jump inside!
She laughs , shaking her head and he splashes cold water at her, smirking.
He takes a deep breathe, sinking into the water  pretending to drown.He paddles with his arms, gasping and trying to stay under water as long as possible.
"Help!" He gasps and Chaeyoung is quickly getting out of her pants and shoes and jumps into the cold water and she drags him up, holding onto his firm arms.
Shawn giggles, pushing his wet curls out of his face.
Shawn:Ha! Got you
Chaeyoung:This is not funny! She replies sourly but he grabs her pulling her back against him.
"Shawn" she shrieks as he is wet and cold.
Shawn:You saved me, he smirks and she looks into his eyes ,her chest heaving. It feels like the world has stopped spinning as he gently cups her face in his hands.His hands wander down, gripping her waist and he pressed her against him, like a missing puzzle piece.She wraps her legs around him , holding onto his shoulders and their noses brush against each other, her breathe fanning over his skin.He tilts his head to the side softly pressing his lips on hers and she kissed him back burying her fingers in his wet curls.Chaeyoung bites into his bottom lip, tongue sweeping over it and Shawn deepens the kiss, sighing softly.
He pulls away, smiling at her resting his forehead against hers.
Shawn:Wow, he breathes out, tilting her chin up, who taught you to kiss this well?
She bites down her lip, hands sliding down his wet chest.
Chaeyoung:You're not bad yourself.
They get out and she spreads her blanket out on the grass so that they can sit down.He lays down, pulling her close.It's magical, the way Chaeyoung feels up against his skin.
Shawn's hands start to wander again, down her sides to her thighs and he rolls on top of her kissing her slowly.His fingers hooks into the waistband of per panties and he tugs a little, making her stop kissing him.
Chaeyoung:Stop. She mumbles pressing her palms against his chest and he stops immediately.
Shawn:Sorry... he whispered, it's drive me crazy i'm..
Chaeyoung:You're hard... she finishes his sentence.
Chaeyoung:Everytime i meet a boy they want to get me in bed, i was hoping you were different but i guess you are just like the others.She sounds slightly disappointed and Shawn jolts up, staring at her.He gasps shaking his head
Shawn:No! I mean, yes, i want to sleep with you but i swear that's not the only reason i'm with you right now.I want to get to know you, Rosie...I want to... he takes a deep breathe I want to spend more time with you, and maybe, if you're down one day, you could be my girl.the only one.
She looks at him tilting her head to the side, wet hair framing her face.
Shawn:Why are you so hard to figure out?
Chaeyoung:I'm just trying to protect myself.
Shawn:Did you...have you...have you had bad experiences with boys?
She looks at him contemplating her answer, getting distracted by how the light is hitting his brown eyes.She finally nods slowly.
He sighs, understanding better and he takes her hand in his.
Shawn:Do you wanna talk about it?
Chaeyoung:Can you just..hold me?Show me that you care? She whisperes and she looks so pure and innocent it makes his heart swell.
Shawn:Of course, he replies wraping his arms around her and she rests her head upon his shoulder and he doesn't know how long they stay like this because time doesn't seem real when he is with her.

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