lust rushes but love waits

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You're a young singer, starting off in the music industry.Chaeyoung is your bestfriend.Nothing more, nothing less.Or at least that's what you think...

The silence after a house party is like the silence after a concert.The noise is
gone, the music too.You think it's peaceful and calm even though music is all that matters to you, it's what you breathe, it's what you need to exist.The melodies and lyrics, the pauses and the chords, the beat drop, the vocals, the notes, it's your world.And you sometimes are amazed that you have found someone who thinks just the same.
Chaeyoung:Do you want some wine? She asked, standing in her kitchen and you had to smile at your best friend who is holding up a bottle of red wine, smiling like a proud kid who is trying to act like an adult.
You:Yes please; you reply, leaning your head against the headrest of her huge couch and Chaeyoung comes back into the living room, carrying two wine glasses and an expensive looking bottle of wine.
You:Oh, this looks nice; you said inspecting the wine bottle and Chaeyoung chuckles, fumbling around with the corkscrew.
Chaeyoung:I have no clue if this is good but the label looked legit and i felt like some kind of expert at the supermarket
She pours the red wine into the glasses and you feel like you are playing adult, swirling the red-tinted liquid around in your glass.
Chaeyoung:Have you talked to this producer i told you about? Chaeyoung asks, leaning back against the pillows and you nod.
You:Teddy? Yup, i texted him and he actually wants to meet me at the studio next week, everything seems to work out right now and it's honestly so crazy and...surreal.
Chaeyoung:Oh yes, i know...i'm so happy for you!
She holds her wine glass up to clink it against yours.
You giggle taking a sip and you immediately make eye contact with her, your eyes locked on her hazel ones.
Chaeyoung:It's not bad; Chaeyoung blurts out while you cut a grimace at the bitter taste that consumes your throat.'s alright...; you wave it off, wanting to continue your conversation; But yeah of course, you know what it's like.The whole starting off in the industry, I mean.
Chaeyoung:Yeah it can be overwhelming at times; Chaeyoung sighs, placing a hand on your forearm; But you're handling it so well, I mean, you were amazing tonight, you sounded amazing I'm always mind-blown when i hear you sing.
You:Aw thanks; you reply with a little smile as you run your fingertips up and down the stem of the big wine glass and you can feel the heat in your cheeks as you blush.You would always blush when she complimented you on your voice.
She licks her lip, pink tongue darting out to wet it and you bend one leg, sitting on it to get more comfortable on the white couch.
Chaeyoung:When are you leaving for LA? She asks, resting her arm on the couch behind gour shoulders.
You:In two weeks.You are going too, right?
Chaeyoung:Yeah, we're going to perform at the VMAs; she replies and you know it could sound like she's bragging but she is actually not.She is sincerely talking about her schedule.And you are so in awe of the professional she is.The artist she has become.
Chaeyoung:We should totally meet up.The after parties are usually fun; she says with a smirk as if she was remembering something amusing; And i want to introduce you to some people, i think it's important that you are surrounded by genuine, good people, you know.
You:Oh yes, totally.I mean I love my team and they feel like family to me already.You say in agreement, thinking about the friendship you have with your choreographer and stylist and how much fun you have backstage.
Chaeyoung:I got you; she says with a smirk.
You:God, i can't wait; you breathed out, thinking about all that is coming up.Your first studio album has dropped a few weeks ago and in between you opened for Dua Lipa, doing promo and shooting a music video you feel like you've barely had time to breathe.
And in the eye of the storm that comes with an overnight success you do feel lost and anxious at times but when you're with Chaeyoung you feel calm.She is not only signed to the same label as you, she also has become your best friend.Your confidante.She has an effect on you that grounds you somehow and though she is too beautiful for her own good you have started to get used to her gorgeous looks and endearing smile.
Chaeyoung:You know what Dua said to me after she met you?She said...that you have condensed star power and that you look like a superstar..and I was like, yeah, I know;She gestures with her hands like she wants to make a point.The smile she gives you is warm and genuine and you suddenly want to be closer to her.You blink, trying to process the sudden change of atmosphere, the pounding of your heart and you place your glass on the coffe table to clear your mind.
She is too good looking.And too sweet.
You look at her again, she looks so happy and content, a healthy blush on her cheeks that you just have to inch closer on the couch. still have glitter on your face; you giggle, pointing at her eyes and she groans in amusement, tipping her head back after placing her wine glass on the table in front of you.
Chaeyoung:I feel like i'll never get it off.I'm gonna walk around like this for the rest of my life; she says with a chuckle, rubbing her eye.
You bit your lip and then you stop listening to the warning voice in your head.You touch the corner of her eye, gently rubbing the glitter away with your thumb and you feel her erractic breath on your face.
Uh oh.
She closes her eyes, obviously enjoying your touch and you focus on the flitter, trying to rub it off her skin but it sticks there as if it wanted to tell you to keep touching her face.To keep going.
You softly trace her high cheekbone, trying to gather more glitter on your fingertips and suddenly she grabs your hand, eyes flying open.
You gulp.She opens her mouth.But no sounds come out.
You notice how her pupils dilate and how her gaze flutters from your eyes to your lips and you feel a shiver down your spine and a heat in your whole body.
Oh no.
You swallow thickly, and your gaze falls on her lips too.They look soft and wine-stained and...kissable.
Kiss her on the lips, says your heart.
Run and don't look back, says your head.
And Chaeyoung dips her head a little and as she leans in, you feel your heart skip a beat.There is desire in her movements, lust in her eyes.
She is so close that you can see every detail on her face and she cups your cheek so gently, lips about to touch yours and you inhale sharply, grabbing her shirt in a reflex to hold her back.
You:What are we doing? You whisper and she blink, eyes big, breathing uneven.
Chaeyoung:I...I'm sorry, we-, she stammers, I didn't mean to-I...
You look at your hands that are fisting the white fabric of her shirt and you let go, hands falling into your lap.
You:We're friends Rosie.You mumble, trying to remind her and she gulps, nods, a desperate look on her face.
Chaeyoung:I...I'm sorry if I just made you feel uncomfortable.
You:It's okay; you whisper, giving her a weak smile. It's late.We hade a few...but i really should go now.
Before we do something that we might regret later.
You turn around, awkwardly waving at her.
You:See you soon, you manage to get out while she stands there, arms falling to her sides, seeing you leave.
Chaeyoung:Yeah, see you.I'll...text you.
And then you stumble out of her apartment into the dark hallway and as soon as the door closes, you rest your back against the cool wood.
Inhale. Exhale.
Patience, my heart, you think, have patience.

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