as long as i have you

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Hiii it's been a while huh? I'm a little rusty so bear with me but it feels good to be back  so yeah hope you're gonna enjoy this little thing i came up with.

Synopsis: AU where Y/N is a struggling musician and Chaeyoung is an aspiring actress. They might not have much but they are just fine, as long as they have each other...

She puts the grocery bags down, a frown on her face. A soft melody is echoing through the tiny apartment and Chaeyoung leans against the doorframe, smiling as she finds him at the keyboard.

He stops playing and turns around to her, giving her a beautiful smile. "Hey," he says quietly and she steps closer, running her hands across his strong shoulders to massage them gently.

"Why are you playing something so sad?" she asks and he shrugs, letting out a heartfelt sigh.

"Maybe because I'm sad," he says, letting out a melancholic chuckle. He pushes the stool back, making room for her as she sits down on his lap, straddling him.

She caresses his cheeks, softly cupping his face. "Why are you sad, baby?"

He looks at her, brown eyes full of worry. "Because I can't give you the life you deserve..."

"Y/N...," she sighs, "not again..."

"But it's true," he urges, a S-shaped curl falling into his face, "you deserve so much better. You shouldn't have to work two jobs. You shouldn't have to live in a tiny, shabby apartment and worry about money."

She closes her eyes, resting her forehead against his as he steadies her by wrapping his hands around her waist. She is tired and so is he.

"Y/N, I don't care about fancy things. I'm happy as long as I have you." Her hands find his hair and she threads her fingers through his curls.

"I love you," he murmurs, nudging his nose against hers.

"I love you, too," she says softly. He presses his lips on hers and she deepens the kiss, running her hands over his chest.

"How was your day?" he asks, still catching his breath.

She shrugs, shuffling around on his lap. "Good, I guess. I went to this audition..."

"Ah, right... how was it?" he asks excitedly.

"Don't know... there were a lot of girls. And they were all prettier than me."

"I don't believe that," Y/N protests, gently tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. "No one's prettier than you."

She shakes her head at his cuteness, pecking his lips. "They said they would call back in a few days."

Y/N takes her hand playing with her fingers. "I called this guy because of the studio," he says quietly. "He said I could use it to record some songs."

"That's awesome," she gasps, slinging her arms around his neck. "Finally some good news."

He nuzzles his face into her neck and inhales her scent. When they moved to New York a year ago, he didn't imagine it to be this hard. He knew he would have to work hard, especially as a singer and song-writer in a difficult industry but it turned out to be much harder than he thought. While Chaeyoung worked two jobs, he worked day and night to pay their bills. His gaze wanders over their modest apartment. Their tiny bed without a headboard, movie scripts and lyric sheets scattered over the floor as they sold their table when Y/N bought a new guitar.

It was tiny but they kept it clean and even though there was not much space, they did everything to make it feel homey and cozy. Chaeyoung loved her candles and would always put some fresh flowers into the vase on the windowsill while Y/N filled the room with music. Mainly love songs. Because what else could he write about, when he looked at Chaeyoung?

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