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to all those who have fought hard against battles blind to the eye

this collection of poetry is inspired by my journey through chronic illness.
the battle with my health began at birth, and at age five i had heart surgery, but that operation did not fix my all my problems as the doctors thought it would. i continued to fight my body throughout the following years, but it all really hit the fan in ninth grade; i had to withdraw from school because i fell really ill, couldn't eat, walk, or function. i was diagnosed with a myriad of chronic illnesses and struggle tremendously each day. i missed out a lot in high school, didn't attend prom or graduation, and was home hospital for most of it.
this is not written for pity, but a way for me to express all the loss that has come packaged with being sick.

a collection of poems written by a sick girl through a never-ending journey.

to my readers:
i can only hope this book of poems will give insight to what goes through the mind of someone with 'invisible' illnesses, and will be a way for those struggling to know they are never alone in this painful journey.

if you ever need to talk or have any questions for me, my inbox is always open.

these poems were very emotionally painful to write, so please be kind.

[lowercase intended]

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