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The drive home was more silent than before. My face was stained with tears and my eyes red a puffy."Want to get food?" Tord asked.
"Not really"

"I'm hungry so I'm gonna stop at McDonald's," He said. I just stared straight ahead of me. I was so unsure about what was happening. The past two hours had been such a blur. Murph was sectioned. He wasn't allowed to leave. He could make phone calls but that was about it. We'd be able to visit after two weeks. I picked at the seams on his jumper.

I found a table while Tord went to order. This McDonald's brought back memories. After spending seven hours in a recording studio in uni, the three of us came here at half four in the morning. Murph had been convinced that they started to serve breakfast at four even though both me and Tord said that it wasn't until five. He got irate and sat eating a with a disgusted look on his face.

Tord returned with two cheeseburgers and two drinks.

"Here" He put one of each in front of me. "You need to eat"

"I'm not hungry"

"Dan, you need to eat. Just this." I unwrapped it and started eating, just to keep him happy.

"We have to carry on our normal lives," Tord told me, sipping on his drink.

"How can we?"

"Yes, he's our best friend but Dan, we have to continue without him. He wants us to. We can't just mope around. He's getting the help that he needs and we should be happy about that" He told me. I understood where he was coming from.

"What about his degree?"
"He can redo it"

"I just want to be with him. He must feel so alone" I said, defeated. Waking up to not find Murph pottering around the flat, getting ready for work was going to be weird. Going into the bathroom was going to be weird. But I knew I had to do it, for all our sakes.

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