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Two days later, instead of picking up Murph I found myself in the doctors surgery sitting next to Laura. After last night, she insisted that we went to the doctors.
"Last time I was here was when I pulled my back at our first gig"
"Stop" Laura told me. She wasn't taking anything that came out of my mouth.
"Daniel Haggis to room 16 please" The doctor called over the intercom. What was I even supposed to say? We got up and went to room 16.

"What can I help you with this morning?" Dr Grey said, looking at me intently like I was about to reveal my deepest secrets to him.
"Well... my best friend was sectioned after a suicide attempt and since then my heads been funny. We had to move out of our old flat as I couldn't stop smelling vomit in there..." My cheek twitched.
"Would you call it a hallucination?"
"Yeah, kinda. But can you hallucinate smells?"
"It is linked with post-traumatic stress disorder" My heart dropped.
"So you mean I might be PTSD?"
"We'd have to have you assessed but I can give you some medication to try and help it if you would like?" I looked at Laura.
"It's not my decision" She said.
"I'll give it a go" He printed off a prescription.
"Give it a month and then come back" Dr Grey told me, smiling.

We got in the car and I still had a deep pit in my stomach. Laura belted herself up and looked over to me, putting her hand on the gear stick.
"It'll be okay. Just think, a few years and you could get a big break"
"We need to get Murph back on track first"
"Some good songs might come out of this"
"What do you mean?" I looked over to her.
"Well he's a very talented writer, he likes to look on the bad side of things. Have you read Hear Comes The Anxiety?"
"I mean, yeah." I couldn't be bothered to argue anymore and we drove home in silence.

We arrived home and Tord and Murph weren't back yet. Laura started making lunch as I lay down on the sofa. The tv was playing Homes Under The Hammer. I sighed. Tord had left the tv on again. I switched it over to MTV and The Pixies were playing. Laura came through and smiled at me, handing a sandwich to me. I sat up and moved along so she could sit down.
"How you feeling?" She asked.
"Look, can we set some rules down?" I asked, she nodded for me to go ahead. "We don't have conversations about how I'm feeling. You and nobody else monitors my medication, I take it in my own time. And..." I hesitated. "Murph doesn't find out about this"
"Why don't you want him to know?"
"He has his own problems, he's focusing on getting better and I don't want me to hinder him"
"Laura, this is how I want it to be"
"If you insist"

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