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The door opened and Tord and Murph entered the flat. I jumped up and threw my arms around Murph.
"Geez, you're happy to see me. This place is nice" He looked around as we hugged.
"The lease was running out on the old place" Laura said.
"Yeah, Tord told me. So... what we doing today?"
"I think you should take it carefully" Tord told him.
"You have just got out" I let go and looked at him.
"I miss the guys"
"We can go to Laren's" Tord suggested and I groaned.
"What's your beef with Laren's?" Murph laughed.
"I work there now" I told him. They had given me the week off since they knew Murph was coming home.
"But that's the hang out place... What about uni next year?" His voice sounded more serious.
"I'm not going" I told him slowly and I could feel his eyes on me even though mine were directed towards the floor. It was a few moment before anyone said anything.
"Why?" He asked. "Tord, you are right?"
"Yeah, yeah. It's just been a bit tough on Dan this year" My head shot up and looked at him.
"What do you mean?" Murph looked at me. They all looked at me.
"I'm waiting to be assessed for having PTSD" I told him quickly. Everyone stood in silence. I knew I'd fucked it up.
"Why didn't you tell me before?" Murph threw his arms around me and I could feel my heart beating out of my chest.
"You have your own stuff going on" I said, starting to cry.
"That doesn't mean I can't be there for you, you silly wombat" He was starting to choke up too.

Once the two of us had stopped crying, we all went out to Hannah's and met everyone else there. To my surprise, Annie and Emily were back too. Rose was back for the holidays, everyone that we had talked to over the past few years were sat around the table upstairs. They cheered when we came in and lot of them got up and hugged Murph. Me and Mark went to get pints for everyone.
"I'll come down in a sec!" Clive shouted after us. We leant against the bar.
"It's gonna be okay, you know" Mark told me, looking at me. "He's gonna be off his meds, you're gonna be recording more and touring"
"It might be possible"
"It will be possible, Dan. You're both gonna be okay" We ordered our pints, Clive and Dorian came down to help us carry them up but just as I was turning to go upstairs, I saw her. Her chestnut hair made her blue eyes pop but I could have recognised her in a crowd. Saga.

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