Chapter I: Origins

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Readers POV

4 years old:

Your mother is leading you throughout the streets of Vale. The sun is setting and normally you would be in bed by now, but instead your mother had grabbed you by the hand and headed to the wealthy part of the Kingdom. You've been walking for the better part of an hour and your feet are sore. "Mommy, my feet are tired." You say sleepily, using the hand not in your mothers to rub at your eye. Your mother ignores you and simply pulls you a little roughly to make you speed up. You try again to get your mother's attention. "Mommy..."

"Quiet (F/N)!" She snaps, "We're nearly there."

You do as your mother says and try to take your mind of how sore your feet are and how heavy your eyelids feel by looking at the houses. They're much bigger than your own, most even have cars parked in a driveway. After another fifteen minutes of walking you approach the biggest house you've ever seen. You could easily fit fifty of your own within its white marble walls. Leading past a gate taller than even your mother and up a set of grand stairs your mother bangs upon a set of giant oak doors until a man in a black suit opens the door.

"Good evening madame," The man says, his grey mustache quivering as he spoke. "do you have an appointment with..."

"Chandler!" Your mother shouts into the mansion. "Chandler, I know you're in there. Come out here or else I'll..."

"Quiet down!" A tall man appears at the doorway. He's dressed in a fine grey suit, his black shoes reflect the light of the setting sun. "What is the meaning of this?" The man asks angrily, waving the mustache man away. He steps outside and closes the door. "My family is in the middle of dinner and you dare to interrupt us!"

Afraid of the angry man, you move to hide behind your mother. "You know why I'm here, we made a deal! You said so long as I kept quiet you'd send him to school when he was old enough. He's four years old now, it's time to keep your promise!" The man turns his gaze from your mother down to you, looking you over for a minute before wrinkling his nose.

"I don't know what you're talking about." He says coldly.

"Bullshit you don't know! You said you'd pay for his schooling. Send him to some fancy boarding school in Atlas and get him off my hands. That was the deal!"

"And who am I supposed to say he is? Some charity case? I can't just send some filthy rat like him to boarding school, people will start to talk."

"He's your son!" Your mom shouts.

"HE IS NOT!" The man spits in your mother's face. He coughs and readjusts his tie before continuing. "He is not my son. How could he be? Just look at him. He's a dirty little peasant just like his mother. He isn't fit to be my son."

"If you won't take him off my hands then I'll tell. I'll tell the papers and the media all about your little scandal in the slums and you'll be ruined."

The man throws back his head and laughs. "You'll tell? Imagine how that would look to the world. Some dirty whore pointing fingers at Chandler Amadeus and claiming to have given birth to his son. The world would see you as nothing more than some addict looking for an easy buck from the richest man in the Kingdom. You'll be nothing more than a footnote in the back columns, and when that happens I'll buy out that wasteland you call home and bulldoze over it. Now leave before I call security." With that the tall man walks back inside.

"Who was that dear?" You hear a woman call from inside.

"No one Jasmine, just some woman who lost her dog."

The doors close behind him leaving you and your mother out in the night. Grabbing your hand again your mother roughly drags you back home.

5 years old:

Male Reader x RWBY: Volume 1 / Reader x YangWhere stories live. Discover now