Chapter III: Welcome to Beacon

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Author's Note: Grandmaster Wu Kong and Sun Wu Kong are in no way related. It is completely coincidental and something I didn't even notice when creating her character.

4 months later:

You are on board a massive bullhead flying over the Kingdom of Vale. The other passengers talk loudly amongst themselves, excited and anxious to arrive at their destination. News reporters on large holographic screen offer information about a group of extremists known as the White Fang. You however, tune all the noise out and stare out the windows at the scenery below, lost in deep thought. After that fateful night four months ago, you left the Sun Zhang temple. The loss of Grandmaster Kun was too much for you to face, knowing the blame rested on your shoulders. You fled the mountains with only your robes and Rhino's Charge and returned to the Kingdom where you lived in the forests on the outskirts of the city. Training rigorously during the day, you would spend many sleepless nights wandering the city streets. Often you would come across small crimes being committed under the cover of darkness and put a stop to them.

Only a few weeks ago you returned to your camp in the forest only to find a grey haired, bespectacled stranger patiently awaiting your return. He told you his name was Professor Ozpin, and that your nighttime vigilantism had attracted the attention of both the city news, and his own eye. "Why do you live out here, cut off from society?" He asked you in his calm, calculated tone.

"I do not belong within the city." You respond. "I was raised in the mountains by monks, until my actions were the cause of my master's death. I could not stay, so I left. I have no place left where I belong."

"I see." Ozpin said, carefully observing you through his lenses. "Yet despite lacking any sense of belonging you still wander the city at night and help those in need. Why bother? You said yourself that you do not belong with them, so why help?"

It took you a while to come up with a response, but after a few moments silence you say back, "Because if I fight only for myself, my actions have no purpose. I have the ability to help those in need, so I must."

"Well, I can certainly appreciate such values." He says. "Tell me Mr. (L/N), how would you feel if I could offer you a sense of belonging?"

"What are you suggesting?" You ask, your curiosity peaked.

"I am offering you a place at Beacon. A place where you would be surrounded by other likeminded individuals."

You sit there in silence, staring into the flickering flames of the slowly extinguishing fire. After much thought and careful consideration, you ask a single question. "Why?"

"Why?" He repeats. "Because the world needs more people like you, who are willing to act first, and put others before themselves."

"Oh, Yang, gross! You have puke on your shoes!" Your attention is brought back to the present by shouts coming from a small red-haired figure to your right. "Get away, oh, get away from me! Get away from me! Get away from me!"

The bullhead begins its descent towards Beacon Academy. Trying to block out the sounds of the two girls you look back out the window to appreciate the view. The school is massive, its many buildings all meeting at a courtyard at the center of the maze. The many rivers surrounding the campus all feed into a number of waterfalls that lead to the same vast lake. The bullhead lands at the edge of the cliff, letting its passengers off in the main courtyard. While the crowd fights to get off first, eager to see Beacon up close, you are in no such hurry, and instead take a seat, waiting until everyone else has left, which takes quite some time. By the time you step foot off the bullhead, you witness the same red-haired girl being shouted at by a pale, white haired figure with a scar running down her left eye. Ignoring the scene, you give the two a large berth and head towards the entrance of the main building. Noticing the large amount of people gathered inside, you take a hard right and follow a side path which circles the tower, hoping to avoid crowds for as long as possible.

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