Chapter VI: Same Old Routine

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It's been a little over a month since you first came to Beacon. Following your match with Pyrrha, Weiss's opinion of you seems to have changed. Since the first day of classes, you have fallen into a comfortable routine. At 5:00 you get out of bed, stretch out, brush your teeth, and get dressed, before making your way to the fields to train. When the cafeteria opens at 7:00, you take a fifteen-minute break for breakfast before returning to your training until 8:30. Returning to your room, you take a quick shower and grab your materials for the day. Classes run from 9:00 until 4:00, with an hour-long lunch period at 1:00. You spend your lunch eating outside, listening to the peaceful flowing of the rivers feeding into the lake below. After classes you retire to your room where you study, complete class assignments, and get a head start on future work. At 8:00 you put your notes away and have dinner, however you stay in your room and eat what you have stored away (usually soup or noodles). Once you've finished eating, you tend to your bonsai tree, ensuring its healthy development and maintaining its aesthetic. At around 9:00 you tend to Rhino's Charge, making sure the rope isn't becoming frayed and that the weight isn't too dull or dented. Finally, you brush your teeth and shave if necessary, before laying down on your mat at 10:00.

Your busy schedule means you don't see much of your teammates. "We never see you!" Ruby laments one afternoon. "Well, except for classes, but those don't count!" This is no coincidence either, you have intentionally scheduled your days so you can avoid them outside of classes. It's not because you don't like them, quite the contrary. It's simply because, due to the way you were raised, you are unaware of how to have relationships that aren't strictly professional. Regardless, your teammates seem determined to acquaint themselves with you.

About a week into the semester, Ren and Nora stop you as you're leaving Professor Port's class. "Hey, (F/N)!" Ren says, stopping you in the hall. "Team JNPR's having a cookout tonight. You should come, you are part of the team after all.

"Sorry," you say, "but I'm busy tonight. "

"Ugh, when are you not busy?" Nora whines. "Come on, Ren's making pancakes and... oh my god! You've never had Ren's pancakes! (F/N), you have to come!"

"I'll uh, I'll do my best to show up." You say.

"You better." Despite your promise, you have no intentions of making an appearance, and instead spent the night tending to your weapon like always.

A little over a week later, your interrupted in the middle of your morning training by a singsong voice coming from behind you. "Hello (F/N)!" Pyrrha calls out. "What are you doing?"

Ceasing your movements, you turn to face her. "Training." You say simply.

"(F/N), there's more to life than just training and classes. Besides, don't you think you're  skilled enough that you can afford a break every now and then?"

"Well, I couldn't beat you in our first match, so no, I don't think I can."

"(F/N), you and I both know you weren't really trying the first time we fought." She says knowingly. "Come on, take a day off. Your friends miss you."

"I don't have any friends." You say, resuming your training. Pyrrha smiles sadly, before turning and walking back towards the campus.

Not even three days after that, you're approached again. While sitting in Combat Class, watching Jaune fight Cardin Winchester, Yang sidles up to you and whispers. "Hey (F/N), Team RWBY is going to the movies tonight. You wanna come?"

"No thank you. I don't do well with groups of people." You say truthfully.

"Well if you like, it could just be you and me." She says, winking at you. After you don't respond, she sighs and moves back down the bench to her spot.

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