Chapter V: Odd Man Out

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"Jaune Arc, Lie Ren, Pyrrha Nikos, Nora Valkyrie." Professor Ozpin announces to the school. "The four of you retrieved the white rook pieces. From this day forwards you shall work together as Team JNPR. Lead by Jaune Arc." Jaune jumps slightly at the sound of his name, obviously surprised at his appointment as leader.

"Blake Belladonna, Ruby Rose, Weiss Schnee, and Yang Xiao Long. The four of you retrieved the white knight pieces. From this day forwards you shall work together as Team RWBY. Lead by Ruby Rose."

"I'm so proud of you!" Yang shouts, throwing her arms around her younger sister.

"And finally, (F/N) (L/N)." You step forward as Ozpin announces your name. "You retrieved the only white king piece. Because of this, you are our odd man out. From this day forwards you will be a rotating member of Teams RWBY and JNPR." You look over to your new teammates, all of them flashing you a smile. "It looks like things are shaping up to be an... interesting year."

After the ceremony, you and the rest of the new students make your way to a separate wing of the building which houses the dormitories. Taking the elevator to the top floor, you make your way through the halls to locate your assigned rooms. Team RWBY's dormitory is on the left side of the hall, Team JNPR's right across from it. As a rotating member, you have been assigned your own room, located just past Team RWBY's.

Entering your room, you notice it's smaller than the standard four-person room, only being about half the size. Pushed up against the far-right corner of the room is a bed, a small nightstand sitting next to it. Across from it is a larger work desk pushed up against the wall, housing several drawers and a large lamp. A small, chest high bookcase is positioned facing the door in the far-left corner of the room. Along the left wall, a set of double bifold doors separate your closet from the main room. And on the right wall is a door which you assume leads to the bathroom.

Walking into the room and closing the door behind you, you set your duffle bag down on the floor and open your closet. You hang up your two extra sets of robes, as well as your ceremonial dress robes. Finally, you retrieve a special set of robes from your bag. They are of the same design as your usual outfit, however in the school's colors. Professor Ozpin, ever respectful of other people's customs, had these specially made for you to wear to classes. Once all your clothes are put away, you place your school supplies on the work desk and a small bonsai tree on top of the bookcase. Finally, you remove a special stand to house Rhino's Charge, placing it at the foot of the bed.

Drawing your curtains closed, you move to lie down on the bed, ready to retire for the evening. After a few minutes of tossing and turning, you decide you're  never going to be able to sleep on this mattress; it's far too soft. Breaking your bed apart, you store its disassembled pieces in the closet, and instead roll out your bamboo mat. Laying down on it, you cover yourself with a scratchy wool blanket and drift off to sleep.

Waking early the next morning, you stand and throw open your curtains. Staring out the window at the world beneath you, you twist your torso and stretch out your arms before donning your school robes and slinging Rhino's Charge over your shoulder. Making your way out of the building, you once again head out towards the fields next to the school and follow the same routine as yesterday. Endurance, strength, hand to hand combat, weapons combat, semblance control, tactics and strategies. All these things you work on, ensuring you keep your skills sharp. An hour before classes are scheduled to start, you make your way to the cafeteria, taking a tray to go, and return to your room where you shower and grab your supplies for the day.

Your first class is Grimm Studies with Professor Peter Port. The first student to arrive, you bid the professor a good morning before taking a seat in the far back. Over time, the classroom gradually starts to fill with students. As class is about to start, Professor Port stands and moves out from behind his desk, clearing his throat, preparing to greet the class. Just as the bell rings and he is about to speak however, he is interrupted by the door bursting open. Tumbling through the door in a pile on the floor are your teammates, cutting it extremely close. Standing awkwardly, they all rush to their seats.

Male Reader x RWBY: Volume 1 / Reader x YangWhere stories live. Discover now