Chapter VIII: Concrete Jungle

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Author's Note: I will admit, the second half of this chapter is not my proudest achievement. It was difficult for me to write it without just repeating the dialogue and events from the show itself, something that you guys don't need to read through. Thus, this chapter accomplishes two things in terms of story. One, it explains what happened to all the dust Torchwick stole throughout the series, in case you didn't know. And two, it defines your characters opinion on the Faunus, helping to develop your relationship with Blake.

Reader's POV:

It had been several days since the night of the party, since Yang fell asleep in your arms. The two of you woke up the following morning wearing a pair of identical blushes, smiling awkwardly at one another. While Yang didn't seem to regret it, the two of you hadn't had much time to talk as the second half of the semester brought with it even more work than the first, the basics having all been mastered. Today you had a special field trip into the Forever Fall Forest, where Professor Peach had requested the class collect a sample of the red sap found in the forest's trees. Professor Goodwitch was escorting the class, warning you all about the presence of the creatures of Grimm in the forest and advising you all stay close to your teammates.

As Jaune was still leashed to Cardin and his team, Pyrrha was left without a partner, and so you decided to accompany her as you collected your samples. "Is everything all right Pyrrha?" You ask as she kneels next to a tree to collect her sap sample. "You seem a little off today."

"Yes. I-I mean no, I'm fine."

"Is this about Jaune?" You ask her, handing her an empty jar as you take the one she's just filled. She looks at you somewhat surprised. "Look, I may not be the best at recognizing social cues, but even I can tell his recent behavior has been bothering you."

Third Person POV:

Team CRDL and Jaune were all laying flat on their stomachs looking over a ledge at the rest of the class below. Cardin was glaring angrily at Pyrrha and (F/N)'s direction. "Those are the two." He says, pounding his fist on the ground. "The red-haired, know-it-all, thinks she's so smart. And that homeless freak from the mountains, trying to be a tough guy. Time to teach them a lesson." Cardin pulls out a box labeled with a black 'W', the sound of a dozen large rapier wasps buzzing inside.

Reader's POV:

"It's just, I don't understand why Jaune would associate himself with someone like Cardin." Pyrrha says as she gets to her feet. "Jaune's a good person, he doesn't belong with a bully like Cardin. He does know that he has friends that care about him. Right?" Pyrrha asks, looking at you, her green eyes meeting your (E/C) ones.

"I'm sure he does." You reassure her. "If I knew it, he certainly does. Besides, I don't think he's hanging around Cardin by choice. It's obvious he's using Jaune for something."

"But why would Jaune agree to that?" Pyrrha asks.

"I don't know. Maybe he knows something about Jaune we don't." You suggest. After saying this, Pyrrha looks away from you, almost like she's trying to hide something. You're about to ask what that is when Russell, Dove, and Sky come running through the forest, screaming about an Ursa.

"What?" Yang asks, picking Russell up by his collar. "Where?"

"Back there! It's got Cardin!" He shouts.

"Jaune!" Pyrrha realizes, dropping her jar of sap.

"Yang, you, Blake, and (F/N) go get Professor Goodwitch!" Ruby shouts as Yang drops Russel.

"You two, go with them." Pyrrha says to Ren and Nora. "There could be more."

The five of you start to make your way back to the rendezvous point where Professor Goodwitch said she'd be waiting for you. As you travel deeper into the forest, the five of you stop, hearing a collection of growls coming from somewhere close by. Peering through the trees, you can see a large group of Beowolves stalking through the underbrush. Just as your about to point this out, three more Ursa come crashing through the forest trees behind you. The five of you pull out your weapons and stand in a circle facing outwards. One of the Beowolves jumps out from the underbrush at Ren, jaws wide and claws sharp. Jumping out of the way, Nora swing Magnhild at the beast, sending it flying backwards and into a tree. You can see the remaining Beowolves start to creep forwards, red eyes glowing. Peering through the tall grass you notice one lurking at the back of the group. Larger than the others, it remains unmoving, watching as the smaller Grimm advance. Looking closer, you notice its large white bones, marking it as an Alpha. More Beowolves lunge at the group, but Ren, Nora, and Blake manage to keep them at bay, leaving you and Yang to deal with the three Ursa behind you.

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