Chapter II: Sun Zhang

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Author's Note: 

The disciples of the Sun Zhang monastery are given titles when their semblance is unlocked. Their title (ie: Jiao Kun the Dragon) is based completely on the nature of their semblance and is not affected by their species traits (human vs faunus).

Reader's POV

5 years old:

After a few hours of walking, you and Jiao stand beneath the shadow of a large monastery, great walls shielding the surrounding area from view. A grand set of giant oak doors, flanked by two stone Phoenixes, are guarded by four more men and women also dressed in similar robes. They open the doors and bow the two of you in. Inside you are greeted with the sight of a huge courtyard where hundreds and hundreds of men and women, human and faunus alike, all train together, moving in sync at the command of another woman standing in front of them all. Moving past you catch glimpses of other smaller areas where different men and women eat, talk, and train. You are led inside the monastery itself, past a room of robed, praying figures, and into a large circular room where two men and two women sit on cushions, incense burning in the middle. Jiao lets go of your hand and moves to the last vacant cushion on the far right of the circle.

"Brother Kun, you have returned." The woman sitting in the middle says. "What have you brought with you?"

"This, Sister Yi, is (F/N) (L/N)."

8 years old:

It has been a little over three years since Grandmaster Kun found you in the forest and brought you to the Sun Zhang temple. After the elders had approved of your training, Grandmaster Kun spent the next week showing you around the temple and explaining the way of Sun Zhang, and after that week you were thrust into a new life. A life that revolved around training, meditation, and defense of the temple. It took time to adjust to this new way of living. For the first few months your body screamed in protest of the changes. Still, the early mornings and physical challenges weren't nearly as difficult as the philosophy on emotions.

"The only bonds that can be formed within the temple are those of unity and brotherhood." Grandmaster Yi told you. "You must learn to respect your brothers and sisters as capable fighters and devoted servants to the temple. Friendship and romance cannot be permitted. Despite one's best intentions, friends and romantic partners can face trying times in their relationships, which can lead to negative emotions, and negative emotions attract the creatures of Grimm. By removing cause for these emotions, we protect ourselves from the Grimm. So if you should see a brother or sister fall in battle, weep not, and instead honor them and their sacrifice."

Despite what Grandmaster Yi had told you, you still found it difficult not to harbor such emotions. However, with time you learned to ignore such feelings; except when it came to your mother. You know it's foolish, but you can't help but think that maybe one day she'll return for you.

12 years old:

After seven years you have given up the childish thought that your mother will ever return. In place you have come to see Grandmaster Kun as a father to you. Despite what you were taught at a young age, you can't help but feel attached to him. He was the one to bring you to the safety of the temple and has since acted as a mentor and guide. Under his caring watch you have focused your energies on training. Having become proficient in hand to hand combat, the monks your age would today begin working to unlock their semblance.

Today you sat in the center gardens with the other disciples your age. It was the first day of Spring, and Master Ischi, the Eagle had gathered all those who had recently passed their twelfth year. "As you begin to enter young adulthood it is important to understand your body and its relationship with the world of Remnant." He says to the group, his lion tail gently swaying in the light breeze. "There exists an energy in this world known as Chi. Chi is the energy of the universe, and as such it surrounds us completely. Chi flows throughout all living things, including all of you. It is this energy that protects us, heals us, and strengthens us. Chi however, is not all powerful. If one's Chi is depleted through constant use or through the sustaining of repeated damage, it can be depleted, leaving the wielder exposed. Chi will regenerate over time, but it is important that you do not let it deplete and do not become over reliant on its abilities. Chi is unique to each person, and as such each individual has a unique semblance, which is the physical manifestation of one's Chi energy." Upon saying this, Master Ischi jumps stands and jumps into the air, remaining there for ten seconds before gently returning to the ground.

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