Chapter IX: A Day at the Beach

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Author's Note: A few business items I need to address before we get to the story. First, this chapter will, unfortunately, be the last of this series. I cannot express enough how much I appreciate all your support for my work, and I hope I can continue to deliver quality stories you love. That being said, your character will not be involved in the battle at the docks that takes place at the end of Volume 1. I know, disappointing, but trust me, it's important for character development and story progression in the next Volume. Instead, while Team RWBY is searching for Blake and getting into scuffles at the docks, you will be spending the day with Team JNPR at the beach.

Reader's POV:

You had decided not to mention to Team RWBY that you had spoken to Blake the night before. She needed space, and you thought it best if it was given to her. While the rest of her team was extremely worried, you knew that she was more than capable of protecting herself, and that it was highly unlikely she would do anything reckless. Sure, she might beat up a few thugs, but other than that you trusted her to stay safe. Team RWBY went out to look for Blake, but as the week had ended, you were now on your rotation with Team JNPR for the next seven days. Still, you told Team RWBY that if they ran into any trouble to give you a call. You're still part of their team after all.

That being said, the rest of your weekend is devoted to socializing with Team JNPR. Since your promise to Yang, you haven't had much of a chance to get to know Jaune any better, as he had been spending much of his time with Cardin. Today you and Team JNPR were heading to the beach where you hoped you and Jaune would get the chance to hang out. Before you can start the day though, you need to hit the shops of Vale. It has recently come to your attention that you don't own much in the way of swimwear. Thus, while the rest of the team is out gathering food for the day, you wander through the streets wondering what exactly it is you're supposed to wear to the beach. You walk into a small clothing store and ask one of the employees to direct you to the swimwear. You're lead to a small section towards the back of the shop where you're greeted by large pictures of shirtless men and scantily clad women.

This can't possibly be the right section. You think to yourself. However, upon double checking with the employee, it turns out you are in fact looking at what people wear to the beach. Searching the various racks and displays, you feel slightly embarrassed at how little these outfits seem to cover. While the men's bathing suits are a simple pair of shorts, you know that if Pyrrha and Nora are as scarcely covered as the mannequins in the store, that you'd be in for an uncomfortable experience. Not really sure if there's much of a difference between the different items, you choose a simple pair of black bathing trunks that come to just below your knees, accompanied by a (F/C) towel. Purchasing the items, you store them in your duffel bag and make your way to meet up with the rest Team JNPR.

Arriving at the beach, the five of you make your way to a changing area. Swapping outfits, you store your robes and Rhino's Charge in your bag before exiting the booth, your towel slung over your shoulder. Standing outside waiting for you is Ren. Making your way over to him, the two of you stand in comfortable silence, waiting for Jaune and the two girls to finish changing. Ironically, Jaune is the last one to rejoin the group, dressed in a pair of Pumpkin Pete swim trunks. The team laughs at this, causing Jaune to go red in the face. He's not the only one though. Sure enough, when Pyrrha and Nora approached you and Ren a few minutes ago, you immediately tensed up at the sight of them. While Nora wore a white bathing suit, the chest piece was designed more like a sports bra than a bikini top, and the bottoms were accompanied by a white skirt that fell to above the knees. Pyrrha on the other hand wore a simple red bikini that left little to the imagination.

Feeling your body tense up, you determinedly stare past the two girls and off into the distance, doing your best not to picture Yang in a similar state of undress. Once you had all reassembled, you made your way to the sandy shore of the ocean. The beach was surprisingly empty for the weekend, though you suppose that was due to the preparations of the Vytal festival, which was sure to draw the attraction of the citizens, it only being held in Beacon once every decade or so. Still, the lack of other beach goers made for a relaxing, quiet atmosphere, allowing you to hear the ocean waves crash against the shore, and the sound of the passing seagulls flying overhead.

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